Alkitab Mobile SABDA
[VER] : [BIS]     [PL]  [PB] 
 <<  Mazmur 104 : 2 >> 

BIS: dan berselubung cahaya. Engkau membentangkan langit seperti kemah,

AYT: yang diselimuti dengan cahaya seperti jubah, yang membentangkan langit seperti tenda;

TB: yang berselimutkan terang seperti kain, yang membentangkan langit seperti tenda,

TL: Maka diselubungkan-Nya diri-Nya dengan terang seperti dengan selimut dan dibentangkan-Nya langitpun seperti kelambu.

MILT: yang menyelimuti diri-Mu dengan terang bagaikan jubah, yang membentangkan langit seperti tabir;

Shellabear 2010: Engkau memakai terang seperti jubah. Engkau membentangkan langit seperti sebuah tenda.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Engkau memakai terang seperti jubah. Engkau membentangkan langit seperti sebuah tenda.

KSZI: Engkau menyaluti diri-Mu dengan cahaya seperti pakaian; Engkau merentangkan angkasa seperti tirai

KSKK: Engkau berselubungkan cahaya seperti pakaian; Engkau membentangkan langit bagaikan kemah,

VMD: Engkau memakai terang sebagai jubah. Engkau membentangkan langit seperti tirai.

TMV: dan diselubungi cahaya. Engkau membentangkan langit seperti khemah,

FAYH: (104-1)

ENDE: berselubungkan tjahaja bagai selimut. Ia membentangkan langit sebagai tenda,

Shellabear 1912: Maka Engkaulah yang menyelubungkan diri-Mu dengan terang seperti dengan selimut, dan yang membentangkan langit itu seperti kelambu;

Leydekker Draft: 'Ija 'ada berkalubong tarang seperti sawatu selimot: 'ija 'ada membentangkan langit seperti sawatu kulambu.

AVB: Engkau menyaluti diri-Mu dengan cahaya seperti pakaian; Engkau merentangkan angkasa seperti tirai.

AYT ITL: yang diselimuti <05844> dengan cahaya <0216> seperti jubah <08008>, yang membentangkan <05186> langit <08064> seperti tenda <03407>;

TB ITL: yang berselimutkan <05844> terang <0216> seperti kain <08008>, yang membentangkan <05186> langit <08064> seperti tenda <03407>,

TL ITL: Maka diselubungkan-Nya <05844> diri-Nya dengan terang <0216> seperti dengan selimut <08008> dan dibentangkan-Nya <05186> langitpun <08064> seperti kelambu <03407>.

AVB ITL: Engkau menyaluti <05844> diri-Mu dengan cahaya <0216> seperti pakaian <08008>; Engkau merentangkan <05186> angkasa <08064> seperti tirai <03407>.

HEBREW: <03407> heyryk <08064> Myms <05186> hjwn <08008> hmlvk <0216> rwa <05844> hje (104:2)

Jawa: Paduka ingkang asingeb pepadhang kadosdene nyamping, mbeber langit kados tendha.

Jawa 1994: Paduka kinemulan ing pepadhang. Langit Paduka penthèng kados téndha,

Sunda: salira dikubeng ku cahya. Gusti mantengkeun langit sapertos tenda,

Madura: sareng abuko’ caja. Junandalem ngampar langnge’ epakadi kemah,

Bali: Palungguh IRatu kalikub antuk galang. Palungguh IRatu ngebatang langite sakadi anake ngebatang tenda.

Bugis: sibawa tassampo cahaya. Mupallebba’i langié pada-pada kémaé,

Makasar: akkalimbukKi’ cahaya. IKatte ampaka’rangi langika sanrapang kema,

Toraja: Kamu tu umpembungku’ arrang butung to parramba’ sia umballa’ langi’ butung to sampin tenda.

Karo: Kam icabini terang si ersinalsal. IkimbangkenNdu langit desken kemah,

Simalungun: Haliharon do isabingkon Ham Bamu songon salimut, ipaherbang Ham do langit songon tenda.

Toba: Hatiuron dialithon Ibana hira ulos, Ibana pahembangkon angka langit songon rimberimbe.

NETBible: He covers himself with light as if it were a garment. He stretches out the skies like a tent curtain,

NASB: Covering Yourself with light as with a cloak, Stretching out heaven like a tent curtain.

HCSB: He wraps Himself in light as if it were a robe, spreading out the sky like a canopy,

LEB: You cover yourself with light as though it were a robe. You stretch out the heavens as though they were curtains.

NIV: He wraps himself in light as with a garment; he stretches out the heavens like a tent

ESV: covering yourself with light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens like a tent.

NRSV: wrapped in light as with a garment. You stretch out the heavens like a tent,

REB: and enfolded in a robe of light. You have spread out the heavens like a tent,

NKJV: Who cover Yourself with light as with a garment, Who stretch out the heavens like a curtain.

KJV: Who coverest [thyself] with light as [with] a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain:

AMP: [You are the One] Who covers Yourself with light as with a garment, Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain {or} a tent,

NLT: you are dressed in a robe of light. You stretch out the starry curtain of the heavens;

GNB: you cover yourself with light. You have spread out the heavens like a tent

ERV: You wear light like a robe. You spread out the skies like a curtain.

BBE: You are clothed with light as with a robe; stretching out the heavens like a curtain:

MSG: Dressed up in sunshine, and all heaven stretched out for your tent.

CEV: and surrounded by light. You spread out the sky like a tent,

CEVUK: and surrounded by light. You spread out the sky like a tent,

GWV: You cover yourself with light as though it were a robe. You stretch out the heavens as though they were curtains.

KJV: Who coverest <05844> (8802) [thyself] with light <0216> as [with] a garment <08008>_: who stretchest out <05186> (8802) the heavens <08064> like a curtain <03407>_:

NASB: Covering<5844> Yourself with light<216> as with a cloak<8008>, Stretching<5186> out heaven<8064> like a tent curtain<3407>.

NET [draft] ITL: He covers <05844> himself with light <0216> as if it were a garment <08008>. He stretches out <05186> the skies <08064> like a tent curtain <03407>,

Studi lengkap, lihat: Alkitab SABDA.
Studi Alkitab dengan AI: Alkitab GPT.

 <<  Mazmur 104 : 2 >> 

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