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[VER] : [CEV]     [PL]  [PB] 
 <<  Amsal 11 : 11 >> 

CEV: When God blesses his people, their city prospers, but deceitful liars can destroy a city.

AYT: Oleh berkat orang jujur, kota ditinggikan, tetapi mulut orang fasik meruntuhkannya.

TB: Berkat orang jujur memperkembangkan kota, tetapi mulut orang fasik meruntuhkannya.

TL: Dengan berkat orang saleh negeripun diramaikan, tetapi oleh mulut orang jahat negeripun dirobohkan.

MILT: Sebuah kota ditinggikan oleh berkat orang yang tulus, tetapi oleh mulut orang fasik, diruntuhkan.

Shellabear 2010: Kota dibangun dari pemberian orang yang lurus hati, tetapi diruntuhkan oleh mulut orang fasik.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Kota dibangun dari pemberian orang yang lurus hati, tetapi diruntuhkan oleh mulut orang fasik.

KSKK: Suatu kota dibangun karena berkat orang-orang jujur dan dihancurkan oleh mulut orang-orang durjana.

VMD: Berkat dari orang jujur yang tinggal di kota akan membuat kota itu besar, tetapi perkataan orang jahat dapat membinasakannya.

TSI: Berkat dan pengaruh baik dari orang-orang jujur membangun kesejahteraan kota, tetapi perkataan orang-orang jahat menghancurkannya.

BIS: Restu orang jujur memperindah kota; perkataan orang jahat merusakkannya.

TMV: Restu orang jujur memakmurkan kota; perkataan orang jahat memusnahkan kota.

FAYH: Pengaruh baik orang-orang benar akan memakmurkan kota, tetapi kebejatan moral orang-orang jahat akan menghancurkannya.

ENDE: Karena berkah orang2 djudjur berkembanglah kota, tetapi karena mulut orang2 djahat dileburlah ia.

Shellabear 1912: Maka dengan berkat orang yang berhati betul negri itu dibesarkan tetapi oleh mulut orang jahat negri itu rubuh.

Leydekker Draft: 'Awleh berkat 'awrang betul-betul maka negerij detinggikan: tetapi 'awleh mulut 'awrang fasikh 'itu derobohkan.

AVB: Kota dimuliakan kerana keberkatan orang yang lurus hati, tetapi diruntuhkan kerana mulut orang durjana.

TB ITL: Berkat <01293> orang jujur <03477> memperkembangkan <07311> kota <07176>, tetapi mulut <06310> orang fasik <07563> meruntuhkannya <02040>.

Jawa: Berkahe wong jujur ndadekake mekaring kutha, nanging cangkeme wong duraka njalari gempure.

Jawa 1994: Sawabé wong temen ndadèkaké kaluhurané negara; nanging tembungé wong duraka gawé rusaké.

Sunda: Ku restuna jalma-jalma jujur, kota bisa alus. Sabalikna ku omongan jalma-jalma jahat mah kota teh ruksak.

Madura: Berkadda oreng jujur malebur kottha; cacana oreng jahat marosak kottha.

Bali: Kotane dadi gede, yen anake patut ento ngamertanin kotane ento, nanging kotane lakar dadi uug ulihan raos jlemane ane jaat.

Bugis: Barakka’na tau malempué pagelloriwi kotaé; ada-adanna tau majaé solangiwi.

Makasar: Pangngellainna tau lambusuka ampakaga’gai kotaya; kana-kananna tau ja’dalaka ammanraki.

Toraja: Bannang dio kadipamasakkeanna to bulo lollong anna dipamarua’ tu kota, apa buntu tumangna pudukna to tang mekaaluk, anna disanggang tu kota.

Karo: Pasu-pasu kalak bujur erbahan kota jadi mejile, tapi ranan kalak jahat ncedakenca.

Simalungun: Marhitei pasu-pasu bani halak parpintor timbul do huta, tapi marumbak do ai marhitei pamangan ni halak parjahat.

Toba: Marhitehite pasupasu ni halak partigor, gabe timbul huta, alai marhitehite pamangan ni halak parjahat maloha do huta i.

NETBible: A city is exalted by the blessing provided from the upright, but it is destroyed by the counsel of the wicked.

NASB: By the blessing of the upright a city is exalted, But by the mouth of the wicked it is torn down.

HCSB: A city is built up by the blessing of the upright, but it is torn down by the mouth of the wicked.

LEB: With the blessing of decent people a city is raised up, but by the words of wicked people, it is torn down.

NIV: Through the blessing of the upright a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is destroyed.

ESV: By the blessing of the upright a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is overthrown.

NRSV: By the blessing of the upright a city is exalted, but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.

REB: By the blessing of the upright a city is raised to greatness, but the words of the wicked tear it down.

NKJV: By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted, But it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.

KJV: By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted: but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.

AMP: By the blessing of the influence of the upright {and} God's favor [because of them] the city is exalted, but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.

NLT: Upright citizens bless a city and make it prosper, but the talk of the wicked tears it apart.

GNB: A city becomes great when the righteous give it their blessing; but a city is brought to ruin by the words of the wicked.

ERV: Blessings from the honest people living in a city will make it great, but the things evil people say can destroy it.

BBE: By the blessing of the upright man the town is made great, but it is overturned by the mouth of the evil-doer.

MSG: When right-living people bless the city, it flourishes; evil talk turns it into a ghost town in no time.

CEVUK: When God blesses his people, their city prospers, but deceitful liars can destroy a city.

GWV: With the blessing of decent people a city is raised up, but by the words of wicked people, it is torn down.

NET [draft] ITL: A city <07176> is exalted <07311> by the blessing <01293> provided from the upright <03477>, but it is destroyed <02040> by the counsel <06310> of the wicked <07563>.

 <<  Amsal 11 : 11 >> 

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