Alkitab Mobile SABDA
[VER] : [ERV]     [PL]  [PB] 
 <<  Yosua 11 : 7 >> 

ERV: So Joshua and his whole army surprised the enemy and attacked them at the river of Merom.

AYT: Kemudian, Yosua bersama seluruh tentaranya mendatangi mereka dengan tiba-tiba di dekat mata air Merom, dan menyerang mereka.

TB: Lalu Yosua dengan seluruh tentaranya mendatangi mereka dengan tiba-tiba dekat mata air Merom, dan menyerbu mereka.

TL: Maka Yusak dan segala orang perang yang sertanyapun mendatangi mereka itu ke tepi tasik Merom, maka dengan sekonyong-konyong ditempuhnya akan mereka itu.

MILT: Maka datanglah Yosua, dan seluruh bala tentara ada bersamanya, melawan mereka di dekat mata air Merom secara tiba-tiba; dan mereka mengalahkannya.

Shellabear 2010: Lalu Yusak beserta seluruh pasukan perang mendatangi mereka dengan tiba-tiba di dekat mata air Merom dan menyerbu mereka.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Lalu Yusak beserta seluruh pasukan perang mendatangi mereka dengan tiba-tiba di dekat mata air Merom dan menyerbu mereka.

KSKK: Lalu Yosua bersama dengan semua orang bersenjatanya pergi ke Merom dan menyerang mereka dengan tiba-tiba.

VMD: Jadi, Yosua dan seluruh tentaranya menyerang musuh secara tiba-tiba di Sungai Merom.

TSI: Maka Yosua dan seluruh pasukannya menyerang pasukan musuh itu dengan tiba-tiba di dekat sungai Merom.

BIS: Maka Yosua dengan semua tentaranya menyerang musuh itu secara mendadak dekat anak Sungai Merom.

TMV: Oleh itu Yosua dan semua anak buahnya menyerang mereka dengan mendadak di Sungai Merom.

FAYH: (11-6)

ENDE: Dengan tak ter-sangka2 Josjua' serta segala kaum peradjuritnja mendatangi mereka dekat Me-Merom serta menjergap mereka.

Shellabear 1912: Maka oleh Yosua dan segala orang yang berperang itu tiba-tiba didatanginya akan dia dekat air Merom itu ditempuhnya akan dia.

Leydekker Draft: Maka Jehawsjusza, dan segala 'awrang berparang sertanja, 'itu pawn mendatangilah marika 'itu pada 'ajer Mejrawm gupoh-gupoh, lalu 'ija menjaranglah marika 'itu.

AVB: Lalu Yosua berserta seluruh pasukan perang menyerbu mereka dengan tiba-tiba berdekatan mata air Merom dan menyerang mereka.

AYT ITL: Kemudian, Yosua <03091> bersama <05973> seluruh <03605> tentaranya <05971> <04421> mendatangi <0935> mereka dengan tiba-tiba <06597> di dekat <05921> <05921> mata air <04325> Merom <04792>, dan menyerang <05307> mereka. [<00>]

TB ITL: Lalu Yosua <03091> dengan <05973> seluruh <03605> tentaranya <04421> <05971> mendatangi <05921> <0935> mereka dengan tiba-tiba <06597> dekat <05921> mata air <04325> Merom <04792>, dan menyerbu <05307> mereka.

TL ITL: Maka Yusak <03091> dan segala <03605> orang <05971> perang <04421> yang sertanyapun <05973> mendatangi <0935> mereka itu ke tepi <05921> <05921> tasik <04325> Merom <04792>, maka dengan sekonyong-konyong <06597> ditempuhnya <05307> akan mereka itu.

AVB ITL: Lalu Yosua <03091> berserta <05973> seluruh <03605> pasukan <05971> perang <04421> menyerbu <0935> mereka dengan <05921> tiba-tiba <06597> berdekatan <05921> mata air <04325> Merom <04792> dan menyerang <05307> mereka. [<00>]

HEBREW: <0> Mhb <05307> wlpyw <06597> Matp <04792> Mwrm <04325> ym <05921> le <05921> Mhyle <05973> wme <04421> hmxlmh <05971> Me <03605> lkw <03091> eswhy <0935> abyw (11:7)

Jawa: Senapati Yusak sabalane kabeh tumuli teka dumrojog nempuh mungsuh mau ana ing sacedhake sendhang Merom;

Jawa 1994: Yosua satentarané dadakan nempuh mungsuh-mungsuhé ana ing sacedhaké Tlaga Mérom.

Sunda: Eta musuh ku Yosua sabaladna ditempuh, digeretak ngadadak di deukeut Susukan Merom,

Madura: Daddi Yusak ban sakabbinna tantarana laju nyerrang moso jareya dadagan e seddi’na Songay Merom.

Bali: Dane Yosua miwah wadua balan danene sami tan pawangsit nempuh pararatune punika nampek ring Pangkung Merome.

Bugis: Naluruini Yosua sibawa sininna tentarana iyaro balié tennasenna-sennai ri seddéna ana’ Salo Mérom.

Makasar: Jari nabundukimi Yosua siagang tantarana anjo musua, iamintu nabunduki silalonnai ri ampi’na Kaloro’ Merom.

Toraja: Saemi tu Yosua sola mintu’ surodadu nasolan tang dikapang-kapang untu’ba’i tu tau iato mai dio to’ limbong sikandappi’ Merom, anna laoi.

Karo: Emaka rempet iserang Josua ras tenterana kalak ndai i Lau Merom.

Simalungun: Jadi sompong ma roh si Josua rap pakon balani ganup dompak sidea hu bah Merom, anjaha idorab ma sidea.

Toba: Jadi dirampok si Josua rap dohot nasa paranganna nasida so pangkirimanna martopihon tao Merom.

NETBible: Joshua and his whole army caught them by surprise at the Waters of Merom and attacked them.

NASB: So Joshua and all the people of war with him came upon them suddenly by the waters of Merom, and attacked them.

HCSB: So Joshua and his whole military force surprised them at the waters of Merom and attacked them.

LEB: Joshua and all his troops arrived suddenly at the Springs of Merom and attacked the Canaanite armies.

NIV: So Joshua and his whole army came against them suddenly at the Waters of Merom and attacked them,

ESV: So Joshua and all his warriors came suddenly against them by the waters of Merom and fell upon them.

NRSV: So Joshua came suddenly upon them with all his fighting force, by the waters of Merom, and fell upon them.

REB: Joshua with his whole army launched a surprise attack on them by the waters of Merom,

NKJV: So Joshua and all the people of war with him came against them suddenly by the waters of Merom, and they attacked them.

KJV: So Joshua came, and all the people of war with him, against them by the waters of Merom suddenly; and they fell upon them.

AMP: So Joshua and all the people of war with him came against them suddenly by the Waters of Merom and fell upon them.

NLT: So Joshua and his warriors traveled to the water near Merom and attacked suddenly.

GNB: So Joshua and all his men attacked them by surprise at Merom Brook.

BBE: So Joshua and all the men of war with him came against them suddenly at the waters of Merom, and made an attack on them.

MSG: Joshua, his entire army with him, took them by surprise, falling on them at the Waters of Merom.

CEV: Joshua and his army made a surprise attack against the enemy camp at Merom Pond

CEVUK: Joshua and his army made a surprise attack against the enemy camp at Merom Pond

GWV: Joshua and all his troops arrived suddenly at the Springs of Merom and attacked the Canaanite armies.

KJV: So Joshua <03091> came <0935> (8799)_, and all the people <05971> of war <04421> with him, against them by the waters <04325> of Merom <04792> suddenly <06597>_; and they fell upon <05307> (8799) them.

NASB: So Joshua<3091> and all<3605> the people<5971> of war<4421> with him came<935> upon them suddenly<6597> by the waters<4325> of Merom<4792>, and attacked<5307> them.

NET [draft] ITL: Joshua <03091> and his whole <03605> army <04421> <05971> caught <05973> <0935> them by surprise <06597> at the Waters <04325> of Merom <04792> and attacked <05307> them.

Studi lengkap, lihat: Alkitab SABDA.
Studi Alkitab dengan AI: Alkitab GPT.

 <<  Yosua 11 : 7 >> 

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