Alkitab Mobile SABDA
[VER] : [ESV]     [PL]  [PB] 
 <<  Ayub 26 : 5 >> 

ESV: The dead tremble under the waters and their inhabitants.

AYT: Arwah-arwah gemetar di bawah air, begitu juga semua yang hidup di dalamnya.

TB: Roh-roh di bawah menggeletar, demikian juga air dan penghuninya.

TL: Bahwa nyawa segala orang mati itu gemetarlah dan segala yang duduk di bawah air.

MILT: Roh-roh yang mati akan menggeliat dari bawah lautan, dan penghuni-penghuninya.

Shellabear 2010: Arwah-arwah gemetar di bawah air, di bawah segala penghuni air.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Arwah-arwah gemetar di bawah air, di bawah segala penghuni air.

KSKK: Bayang-bayang tubir menjadi takut, air dan segala yang hidup di dalamnya gemetar.

VMD: Roh dan hantu-hantu di dunia bawah gemetar dengan ketakutan,

BIS: Jawab Bildad, "Orang-orang di alam maut gemetar; air dan penghuninya bergeletar.

TMV: Bildad "Penghuni alam maut gementar; di dunia orang mati, di bawah samudera.

FAYH: "Roh-roh orang mati gemetar di hadapan Allah, demikian juga air dan segala sesuatu yang hidup di dalamnya. Alam maut tidak terselubung di hadapan Allah dan tempat kebinasaan tidak ada tutupnya.

ENDE: Bajangan2 gemetar dibawah air dan penghuninja.

Shellabear 1912: Maka segala orang yang telah mati itu gemetarlah di bawah air dan segala isinyapun.

Leydekker Draft: 'Awrang mati-mati 'itu 'akan djadi deri bawah 'ajer, dan segala jang dijam dalamnja.

AVB: Arwah-arwah gementar di bawah air, di bawah segala penghuni air.

TB ITL: Roh-roh <07496> di bawah <08478> menggeletar <02342>, demikian juga air <04325> dan penghuninya <07931>.

Jawa: Para kang wus mati padha gumeter mangkono uga banyu dalah saisine.

Jawa 1994: Wong-wong sing wis mati padha gemeter ing ngarsané Allah; mengkono uga banyu lan apa waé sing ana ing njeroné.

Sunda: Bildad: "Arwah-arwah jelema nu geus maraot tingdaregdeg cai sapangeusina galumeter.

Madura: Saodda Bildad, "Reng-oreng e alam maot padha ngetter, aeng ban saessena agaledder.

Bali: Pasaur Dane Bildad “Roh-roh jadmane sane padem pada ngejer ring toyane sane wenten ring sor pretiwine.

Bugis: Nappébali Bildad, "Ténréi sining tauwé ri linona amaténgngé; uwai sibawa iya monroiyéngngi ténréi.

Makasar: Appialimi Bildad angkana, "Annekkereki sikamma tau niaka lalang ri linona tau matea; je’neka siagang bonena ta’ge’gosoki.

Toraja: Ma’parondo tu bombo tomate diong to’ uai, sia to umpa’tondokki inan iato.

Karo: [Bildat,] "Nggirgir begu si mate bage pe lawit i teruh, rikut ras si ringan i je.

Simalungun: Mangidah-Si gobir do tonduy ni na dob matei, na i toruh ni laut bolag ampa na mangingani ai.

Toba: Gari begu ni halak na mate angka hitir do nang halak isi ni lung.

NETBible: “The dead tremble – those beneath the waters and all that live in them.

NASB: "The departed spirits tremble Under the waters and their inhabitants.

HCSB: The departed spirits tremble beneath the waters and all that inhabit them.

LEB: "The souls of the dead tremble beneath the water, and so do the creatures living there.

NIV: "The dead are in deep anguish, those beneath the waters and all that live in them.

NRSV: The shades below tremble, the waters and their inhabitants.

REB: The shades below writhe in fear, the waters and all that inhabit them are afraid.

NKJV: "The dead tremble, Those under the waters and those inhabiting them.

KJV: Dead [things] are formed from under the waters, and the inhabitants thereof.

AMP: The shades of the dead tremble underneath the waters and their inhabitants.

NLT: "The dead tremble in their place beneath the waters.

GNB: The spirits of the dead tremble in the waters under the earth.

ERV: “The ghosts and their neighbors in the underworld shake with fear.

BBE: The shades in the underworld are shaking; the waters and those living in them.

MSG: "All the buried dead are in torment, and all who've been drowned in the deep, deep sea.

CEV: Remember the terrible trembling of those in the world of the dead below the mighty ocean.

CEVUK: Remember the terrible trembling of those in the world of the dead below the mighty ocean.

GWV: "The souls of the dead tremble beneath the water, and so do the creatures living there.

NET [draft] ITL: “The dead <07496> tremble <02342>– those beneath <08478> the waters <04325> and all that live <07931> in them.

 <<  Ayub 26 : 5 >> 

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