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Hasil 1-16 / 16 ayat untuk greek:parrhsia. (Lihat Kamus Bahasa)
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2 Corinthians 3:12
Therefore, since we have such a hope, we behave with great boldness,

John 7:13
However, no one spoke openly about him for fear of the Jewish leaders.

John 11:14
Then Jesus told them plainly, “Lazarus has died,

Mark 8:32
He spoke openly about this. So Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him.

John 16:29
His disciples said, “Look, now you are speaking plainly and not in obscure figures of speech!

Colossians 2:15
Disarming the rulers and authorities, he has made a public disgrace of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

John 7:4
For no one who seeks to make a reputation for himself does anything in secret. If you are doing these things, show yourself to the world.”

John 7:26
Yet here he is, speaking publicly, and they are saying nothing to him. Do the rulers really know that this man is the Christ?

John 16:25
“I have told you these things in obscure figures of speech; a time is coming when I will no longer speak to you in obscure figures, but will tell you plainly about the Father.

2 Corinthians 7:4
I have great confidence in you; I take great pride on your behalf. I am filled with encouragement; I am overflowing with joy in the midst of all our suffering.

Ephesians 6:19
Pray for me also, that I may be given the message when I begin to speak – that I may confidently make known the mystery of the gospel,

1 John 5:14
And this is the confidence that we have before him: that whenever we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

John 10:24
The Jewish leaders surrounded him and asked, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.”

John 11:54
Thus Jesus no longer went around publicly among the Judeans, but went away from there to the region near the wilderness, to a town called Ephraim, and stayed there with his disciples.

John 18:20
Jesus replied, “I have spoken publicly to the world. I always taught in the synagogues and in the temple courts, where all the Jewish people assemble together. I have said nothing in secret.

Philippians 1:20
My confident hope is that I will in no way be ashamed but that with complete boldness, even now as always, Christ will be exalted in my body, whether I live or die.

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