Hasil 1-20 / 86 ayat untuk hebrew:hlk. (Lihat Kamus Bahasa)
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Psalms 59:13
Angrily wipe them out! Wipe them out so they vanish! Let them know that God rules in Jacob and to the ends of the earth! (Selah)
Job 7:9
As a cloud is dispersed and then disappears, so the one who goes down to the grave does not come up again.
Job 34:13
Who entrusted to him the earth? And who put him over the whole world?
Job 38:18
Have you considered the vast expanses of the earth? Tell me, if you know it all!
Psalms 73:26
My flesh and my heart may grow weak, but God always protects my heart and gives me stability.
Psalms 74:11
Why do you remain inactive? Intervene and destroy him!
Psalms 139:4
Certainly my tongue does not frame a word without you, O
Proverbs 16:30
The one who winks his eyes devises perverse things, and one who compresses his lips brings about evil.
The Lover to His Beloved: You are a locked garden, my sister, my bride; you are an enclosed spring, a sealed-up fountain.
Jeremiah 8:20
“They cry, ‘Harvest time has come and gone, and the summer is over, and still we have not been delivered.’
Nahum 1:8
But with an overwhelming flood he will make a complete end of Nineveh; he will drive his enemies into darkness.
Genesis 18:21
that I must go down and see if they are as wicked as the outcry suggests. If not, I want to know.”
Genesis 18:33
Genesis 44:12
Then the man searched. He began with the oldest and finished with the youngest. The cup was found in Benjamin’s sack!
Exodus 25:36
Their buds and their branches will be one piece, all of it one hammered piece of pure gold.
Exodus 37:22
Their buds and their branches were of one piece; all of it was one hammered piece of pure gold.
Judges 3:18
After Ehud brought the tribute payment, he dismissed the people who had carried it.
Nehemiah 9:31
However, due to your abundant mercy you did not do away with them altogether; you did not abandon them. For you are a merciful and compassionate God.
The Song of Songs 4:9
You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride! You have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace.
The Song of Songs 4:11
Your lips drip sweetness like the honeycomb, my bride, honey and milk are under your tongue. The fragrance of your garments is like the fragrance of Lebanon.
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Bahan Renungan: SH - RH - ROC
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