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 <<  1 Samuel 5 : 6 >> 

NIV: The LORD’s hand was heavy upon the people of Ashdod and its vicinity; he brought devastation upon them and afflicted them with tumours.

AYT: Tangan TUHAN menghukum orang-orang Asdod dengan berat dan Dia menghancurkan mereka. Dia menghajar mereka, baik Asdod maupun daerahnya, dengan borok-borok.

TB: Tangan TUHAN menekan orang-orang Asdod itu dengan berat dan Ia membingungkan mereka: Ia menghajar mereka dengan borok-borok, baik Asdod maupun daerahnya.

TL: Maka tangan Tuhanpun beratlah pada orang isi Asdod, sehingga dibinasakan-Nya dan dipalu-Nya mereka itu dengan puru, yaitu akan orang isi Asdod dalam segala jajahannya.

MILT: Dan tangan TUHAN (Elohim - 03068) menekan berat atas orang-orang Asdod. Dan Dia melemahkan mereka, serta menghajar mereka dengan borok-borok, baik Asdod maupun wilayah-wilayah perbatasannya.

Shellabear 2010: Tangan ALLAH menekan orang-orang Asdod dengan berat. Ia membinasakan dan menghajar Asdod dan daerah-daerahnya dengan borok-borok.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Tangan ALLAH menekan orang-orang Asdod dengan berat. Ia membinasakan dan menghajar Asdod dan daerah-daerahnya dengan borok-borok.

KSKK: Tangan Tuhan menekan orang-orang Asdod dengan berat. Tuhan menimpakan kepada orang-orang Asdod dan keluarganya luka-luka busuk bernanah.

VMD: TUHAN membuat susah hidup orang Asdod termasuk tetangganya. Ia memberikan banyak kesulitan kepada mereka dan membuat mereka sakit tumor kulit. Ia juga mendatangkan tikus ke tempat mereka. Tikus itu mengerumuni kapal-kapal dan negeri mereka. Orang di kota sangat ketakutan.

TSI: TUHAN memberikan hukuman berat kepada penduduk Asdod dan daerah sekitarnya. Dia membuat mereka sangat menderita dengan terserang penyakit yang mengakibatkan benjol-benjol di tubuh mereka.

BIS: Kemudian TUHAN menghukum penduduk Asdod dan daerah sekitarnya dengan benjol-benjol pada tubuh mereka.

TMV: TUHAN menghukum penduduk Asdod dengan berat sekali, dan menakutkan mereka. Dia menghukum mereka dan penduduk di daerah sekitar dengan bengkak-bengkak pada tubuh mereka.

FAYH: TUHAN mulai membinasakan orang-orang Asdod dan desa-desa di sekitarnya dengan wabah penyakit borok.

ENDE: Tetapi tangan Jahwe memberati penduduk Asjdod. Ia menggemparkan dan memukul mereka, jakni Asjdod dan djadjahannja dengan bisul.

Shellabear 1912: Tetapi tangan Allahpun beratlah atas orang Asdod dibinasakannya akan dia serta dipalunya dengan bisul yaitu orang Asdod dan segala jajahannya.

Leydekker Draft: Maka tangan Huwa 'adalah barat di`atas 'awrang 'Asjdawdij, sahingga debinasakannja marika 'itu: maka depalukannja dija dengan puruw sambilikh, bajik 'awrang 'isij 'Asjdawd, bajik 'awrang 'isij segala paminggirnja.

AVB: Begitu berat tekanan tangan TUHAN atas orang Asdod, bahkan Dia membinasakan Asdod dan menimpa daerah-daerahnya dengan ketumbuhan.

TB ITL: Tangan <03027> TUHAN <03068> menekan <03513> <00> orang-orang Asdod <0796> itu dengan berat <00> <03513> dan Ia membingungkan <08074> mereka: Ia menghajar <05221> mereka dengan borok-borok <06076>, baik Asdod <0795> maupun daerahnya <01366>. [<0413>]

Jawa: Astane Sang Yehuwah anteb banget pameteke marang wong Asdod sarta gawe bingunge wong-wong iku. Panjenengane ngganjar lelara wudun marang wong-wong iku, iya ing Asdod iya ing wewengkone.

Jawa 1994: Gusti Allah ngukum wong-wong ing Asdod lan ing sakiwa-tengené nganggo lelara plenthung.

Sunda: Urang Asdod ku PANGERAN dihukum jeung diguyurkeun. Urang dinya jeung sakurilingeunana digebug ku kasakit bungkul.

Madura: Saellana jareya oreng Asdod ban oreng e sabingkerra kottha jareya eokom bi’ PANGERAN; badanna kalowar bu-tombu.

Bali: Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa nyisipang wong Asdode kalintang banget tur ngresresin pisan. Ida nyisipang wong Asdod miwah anake sane wenten ring kiwa tengennyane antuk busul.

Bugis: Nainappa nahukkung PUWANGNGE pabbanuwana Asdod nenniya daéra seddéna sibawa boro-boro ri tubunna mennang.

Makasar: Nampa Nahukkung Batara sikontu pandudu’ Asdod siagang tuniaka ri daera tammulilina, iamintu akkambu’-kambussuluki kalenna ke’nanga sangkamma puru.

Toraja: Napamatana’ PUANG tu limanNa unti’tin to Asdod Napatirambanmi tu tau iato mai anNa pasitutu’i bundang, la to Asdod la iatu mintu’ lili’na.

Karo: TUHAN ngukum anak kota Asdot alu mesangat janah mbiar ia kerina IbahanNa. IukumNa ia ras penduduk si lit i sekelewet daerah e. Barehen kerina IbahanNa.

Simalungun: Tapi borat do pangodohkon ni tangan ni Jahowa hu bani halak Asdod; ihirjati do uhur ni sidea anjaha ipatubuh do bayoh bani parhuta Asdod pakon gomgomanni.

Toba: Alai dokdok do tangan ni Jahowa mandondon tu halak Asdod, jala mangago tu nasida, jala dipatubu barobuni di isi ni Asdod ro di na humaliang huta i.

NETBible: The Lord attacked the residents of Ashdod severely, bringing devastation on them. He struck the people of both Ashdod and the surrounding area with sores.

NASB: Now the hand of the LORD was heavy on the Ashdodites, and He ravaged them and smote them with tumors, both Ashdod and its territories.

HCSB: The LORD severely oppressed the people of Ashdod, terrorizing and afflicting the people of Ashdod and its territory with tumors.

LEB: The LORD dealt harshly with the people of Ashdod. He destroyed them by striking the people in the vicinity of Ashdod with tumors.

ESV: The hand of the LORD was heavy against the people of Ashdod, and he terrified and afflicted them with tumors, both Ashdod and its territory.

NRSV: The hand of the LORD was heavy upon the people of Ashdod, and he terrified and struck them with tumors, both in Ashdod and in its territory.

REB: The LORD's hand oppressed the people of Ashdod. He threw them into despair; he plagued them with tumours, and their territory swarmed with rats. There was death and destruction all through the city.

NKJV: But the hand of the LORD was heavy on the people of Ashdod, and He ravaged them and struck them with tumors, both Ashdod and its territory.

KJV: But the hand of the LORD was heavy upon them of Ashdod, and he destroyed them, and smote them with emerods, [even] Ashdod and the coasts thereof.

AMP: But the hand of the Lord was heavy upon the people of Ashdod, and He caused [mice to spring up and there was] very deadly destruction and He smote the people with [very painful] tumors {or} boils, both Ashdod and its territory.

NLT: Then the LORD began to afflict the people of Ashdod and the nearby villages with a plague of tumors.

GNB: The LORD punished the people of Ashdod severely and terrified them. He punished them and the people in the surrounding territory by causing them to have tumors.

ERV: The LORD made life hard for the people of Ashdod and their neighbors. He gave them many troubles and caused them to get tumors. He also sent mice to them. The mice ran all over their ships and then onto their land. The people in the city were very afraid.

BBE: But the hand of the Lord was hard on the people of Ashdod and he sent disease on them through all the country of Ashdod.

MSG: GOD was hard on the citizens of Ashdod. He devastated them by hitting them with tumors. This happened in both the town and the surrounding neighborhoods. He let loose rats among them. Jumping from ships there, rats swarmed all over the city! And everyone was deathly afraid.

CEV: The LORD caused a lot of trouble for the people of Ashdod and their neighbors. He made sores break out all over their bodies, and everyone was in a panic.

CEVUK: The Lord caused a lot of trouble for the people of Ashdod and their neighbours. He made sores break out all over their bodies, and everyone was in a panic.

GWV: The LORD dealt harshly with the people of Ashdod. He destroyed them by striking the people in the vicinity of Ashdod with tumors.

NET [draft] ITL: The Lord <03068> attacked <03513> the residents of Ashdod <0796> severely, bringing devastation <08074> on them. He struck <05221> the people of both Ashdod <0795> and the surrounding area <01366> with sores <06076>.

 <<  1 Samuel 5 : 6 >> 

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