Alkitab Mobile SABDA
[VER] : [NKJV]     [PL]  [PB] 
 <<  Ayub 29 : 19 >> 

NKJV: My root is spread out to the waters, And the dew lies all night on my branch.

AYT: Akar-akarku menjalar ke air, dengan embun di atas cabang-cabangku sepanjang malam.

TB: Akarku mencapai air, dan embun bermalam di atas ranting-rantingku.

TL: Akarku akan bertemu dengan air dan embunpun akan bermalam di atas cabang-cabangku.

MILT: Akarku menjalar sampai ke air, dan embun bermalam di atas rantingku.

Shellabear 2010: Akarku menjulur ke air, embun bermalam di cabangku.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Akarku menjulur ke air, embun bermalam di cabangku.

KSKK: Akar-akarku akan mencapai air; di malam hari cabang-cabangku akan basah oleh embun.

VMD: Aku pikir aku selalu dapat berhasil seperti tanaman yang sehat dengan akar yang banyak airnya dan cabangnya basah kena embun.

BIS: Aku seperti pohon yang subur tumbuhnya, akarnya cukup air dan embun membasahi dahannya.

TMV: Aku umpama pokok yang subur tumbuhnya, akarnya cukup air dan embun membasahi dahannya.

FAYH: karena akarku telah mencapai mata air (aku hidup dalam kemakmuran); semalam-malaman embun membasahi ranting-rantingku dan menyegarkannya.

ENDE: Akarku menghampiri air, dan embun malam djatuh diatas tjabang2ku.

Shellabear 1912: maka akarku melata sampai ke air dan embunpun bermalam di atas carangku

Leydekker Draft: 'Akarku sudah 'ada terkambang desisij 'ajer: dan 'ajer 'ombon sudah bermalam di`atas tjabangku.

AVB: Akarku menjulur ke air, embun bermalam di cabangku.

TB ITL: Akarku <08328> mencapai <06605> air <04325>, dan embun <02919> bermalam <03885> di atas ranting-rantingku <07105>. [<0413>]

Jawa: Oyodku tekan ing banyu, lan pang-pangku padha kainepan ebun.

Jawa 1994: Uripku kaya wit sing tuwuh subur, oyodé nancep ing banyu lan pang-pangé ditelesi déning ebun.

Sunda: Harita kuring teh ibarat tangkal, nu akarna juuh ku cai, dahan-dahan jeung daunna cipruk ku ciibun.

Madura: Sengko’ akantha kajuwan se landhu, ramo’na cokop aengnga, ranca’na bacca ban ebbun.

Bali: Tiang tan bina sakadi wit taru sane akahnyane tansah ngemu toya miwah carang-carangnyane kabelusin antuk damuh.

Bugis: Pada-padaka aju macommo’é tuwona, genne uwai ri ure’na sibawa cinoddo rica’i takkéna.

Makasar: Sanrapanga’ poko’ kayu copponga timbona, gannaki ri je’ne’ aka’na, nibasai ri saliu’ tangke ca’dina.

Toraja: Iatu uaka’ku ullambi’ uai sia ma’bongi tu ambun dio tangkeku.

Karo: Aku desken batang kayu si mbur, uratna erlau, dahanna bernak ibahan namur.

Simalungun: Mangumparpar do uratku bani bah, anjaha namuron do rantingku borngin.

Toba: Manjarar tu lambung aek do ia urathu, jala nambur i marborngin di atas ni angka rantingku.

NETBible: My roots reach the water, and the dew lies on my branches all night long.

NASB: ‘My root is spread out to the waters, And dew lies all night on my branch.

HCSB: My roots will have access to water, and the dew will rest on my branches all night.

LEB: My roots will grow toward the water, and dew will lie on my branches all night.

NIV: My roots will reach to the water, and the dew will lie all night on my branches.

ESV: my roots spread out to the waters, with the dew all night on my branches,

NRSV: my roots spread out to the waters, with the dew all night on my branches;

REB: with my roots spreading out to the water and the dew lying on my branches,

KJV: My root [was] spread out by the waters, and the dew lay all night upon my branch.

AMP: My root is spread out {and} open to the waters, and the dew lies all night upon my branch.

NLT: For I am like a tree whose roots reach the water, whose branches are refreshed with the dew.

GNB: I was like a tree whose roots always have water and whose branches are wet with dew.

ERV: I was like a healthy plant with roots that have plenty of water and branches that are wet with dew.

BBE: My root will be open to the waters, and the night mist will be on my branches,

MSG: A life deep-rooted and well-watered, a life limber and dew-fresh,

CEV: In those days I was strong like a tree with deep roots and with plenty of water,

CEVUK: In those days I was strong like a tree with deep roots and with plenty of water,

GWV: My roots will grow toward the water, and dew will lie on my branches all night.

NET [draft] ITL: My roots <08328> reach <06605> the water <04325>, and the dew <02919> lies on my branches <07105> all night <03885> long.

 <<  Ayub 29 : 19 >> 

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