Gil`ad <01568>
delg Gil`ad
Pelafalan: ghil-awd'
Asal Mula: probably from 01567
Referensi: TWOT - 356
Jenis: n pr loc, n pr m (noun proper locative, noun proper masculine)
Dalam Ibrani: delg 75, delgh 39, delgb 9, delghw 3, hdelg 2, delgw 2, delgl 2, delgm 1, hdelgh 1
Dalam NET: Gilead 124, Gileadites 4, Jabesh Gilead 2, Gilead's 2
Dalam AV: Gilead 101, Ramothgilead + 07433 18, Jabeshgilead + 03003 12, Gileadites 2
Jumlah: 134
- n pr loc Gilead = "rocky region" 1) a mountainous region bounded on the west by the Jordan, on the north by Bashan, on the east by the Arabian plateau, and on the south by Moab and Ammon; sometimes called 'Mount Gilead' or the 'land of Gilead' or just 'Gilead'. Divided into north and south Gilead 2) a city (with prefix 'Jabesh') 3) the people of the region n pr m 4) son of Machir and grandson of Manasseh 5) father of Jephthah 6) a Gadite
- probably from 1567; Gilad, a region East of the Jordan; also the name of three Israelites: KJV -- Gilead, Gileadite.
see HEBREW for 01567
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Variasi dalam Alkitab:
Gileadite (NET, KJV, NASB, NIV, TEV)
Gileadites (NET, NASB, NRSV)
Ramoth Gilead (NET, NIV)
Ramoth-Gilead (KJV, TEV)
Ramoth-gilead (NASB, NRSV)
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