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ken <03651>

Nk ken

Pelafalan: kane

Asal Mula: from 03559

Referensi: TWOT - 964a 964b

Jenis: adv, adj (adverb, adjective)

Dalam Ibrani: Nk 526, Nkl 195, Nkw 34, Nklw 5, Mynk 5, Nkbw 2

Dalam NET: Therefore 107, so 90, So 87, That is why 28, as 25, therefore 17, this 16, same 15, For this reason 14, this way 9, like 9, why 9, that 7, this reason 6, Then 6, this is what 5, reason 5, because 5, For 5, thus 5, way 5, Afterward 4, Because 4, same way 4, Yes 4, that is why 4, so that 3, right 3, also 3, But 3, then 3, For that reason 3, That being the case 3, This is what 3, honest 3, like this 2, likewise 2, That is how 2, according to 2, for this reason 2, more 2, That is what 2, This is why 2, This 2, When 2, such things 2, In the same way 2, Because of 2, accordingly 2, Likewise 2, Like 2, Thus 2, exactly 2, as instructed 2, So that 2, This is how 1, Yet in days to come 1, True 1, This was 1, Why 1, This is the way 1, Yet 1, So this is 1, In this way 1, Later 1, May 1, No wonder 1, However 1, From that time on 1, After this 1, As a result 1, Because of that 1, Since 1, So just like 1, That may be true 1, That's why 1, This is 1, That is exactly 1, That is 1, about 1, Such 1, Such is 1, This is exactly what 1, custom 1, such 1, simply lives up to 1, suggested 1, supported 1, suppose 1, same thing 1, said 1, now 1, ordered 1, policy 1, result 1, surpassing that 1, that is how 1, this point 1, thereby 1, truly 1, what 1, what was happening 1, then after that 1, the way they worship 1, that is what 1, the fact is 1, the more 1, the same 1, nevertheless 1, more even though 1, correctly 1, continue 1, customary 1, enough 1, even 1, as was told 1, as they advised 1, alike 1, all this 1, also did this 1, and 1, exactly so 1, farther 1, just 1, indeed 1, just as 1, later 1, liked 1, in the same 1, ill-founded 1, follows 1, honest men 1, honestly 1, if 1, agree 1

Dalam AV: so, thus, like manner, well, such thing, howbeit, state, after that, following, after this, therefore, wherefore, surely

Jumlah: 42


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