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tachath <08478>

txt tachath

Pelafalan: takh'-ath

Asal Mula: from the same as 08430

Referensi: TWOT - 2504

Jenis: n m (noun masculine)

Dalam Ibrani: txt 263, wytxt 93, txtm 48, txtw 26, hytxt 15, Mtxt 11, Kytxt 9, ytxt 8, Mhytxt 5, *wytxt {wtxt} 4, yntxt 3, txth 3, txtmw 2, Mkytxt 2, wnytxt 2, Kytxtm 1, wytxtmw 1, wytxtm 1, *txtw {txt} 1, hntxt 1, Nhytxt 1, txtml 1, {htxtmw} 1, hytxtw 1, ytxtw 1

Dalam NET: under 120, place 63, replaced 43, for 26, earth 20, instead 20, below 17, succeeded 12, from 12, beneath 10, Under 9, replace 9, on 8, underneath 7, because 6, to 6, in place 5, there 5, with 5, For 3, in place of 3, at 3, world 2, in its place 2, on earth 2, before 2, foot 2, Instead 2, succeeds 2, Below 2, feet 2, repaid 2, Because 2, caresses 2, by 1, bottom 1, burning 1, blow 1, as 1, amid 1, among 1, allegiance 1, against 1, Why 1, You 1, ancestors 1, are 1, authority 1, behind 1, at your feet 1, as compensation for 1, area 1, collapsed 1, belong 1, in exchange 1, spot 1, stands 1, since 1, right there 1, repay 1, riding 1, stead 1, succeed 1, underparts 1, weight 1, underfoot 1, too 1, take place 1, though 1, pad 1, over 1, homes 1, in his place 1, hard 1, ground 1, dispossessed 1, exchange 1, in replacing 1, land 1, order 1, out 1, once 1, mine 1, me 1, disposal 1

Dalam AV: instead, under, for, as, with, from, flat, in the same place

Jumlah: 24


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