1. ether(n = noun.substance) quintessence - the fifth and highest element after air and earth and fire and water; was believed to be the substance composing all heavenly bodies; Array
is a kind of element
Derived form adjective ethereal3
2. ether(n = noun.substance) Array - any of a class of organic compounds that have two hydrocarbon groups linked by an oxygen atom; Array
is a kind of organic compound
Derived form adjective ethereal2
3. ether(n = noun.communication) aether - a medium that was once supposed to fill all space and to support the propagation of electromagnetic waves; Array
is a kind of medium
4. ether(n = noun.artifact) diethyl ether, divinyl ether, ethoxyethane, ethyl ether, vinyl ether - a colorless volatile highly inflammable liquid formerly used as an inhalation anesthetic; Array
is a kind of inhalation anaesthetic, inhalation anesthetic, inhalation general anaesthetic, inhalation general anesthetic
has particulars: enflurane, ethrane
Derived forms adjective ethereal2, verb etherify1, verb etherize1
1. A medium of great elasticity and extreme tenuity, once supposed to pervade all space, the interior of solid bodies not excepted, and to be the medium of transmission of light and heat; hence often called
2. Supposed matter above the air; the air itself. [1913 Webster]
3. A light, volatile, mobile, inflammable liquid,
ether, n.
1 Chem. a a colourless volatile organic liquid used as an anaesthetic or solvent. Also called DIETHYL ETHER, ETHOXYETHANE.
Chem. formula: C2H5OC2H5 b any of a class of organic compounds with a similar structure to this, having an oxygen joined to two alkyl etc. groups.
2 a clear sky; the upper regions of air beyond the clouds.
3 hist. a a medium formerly assumed to permeate space and fill the interstices between particles of matter. b a medium through which electromagnetic waves were formerly thought to be transmitted.
etheric adj.
ME f. OF ether or L aether f. Gk aither f. root of aitho burn, shine
N levity, lightness, imponderability, buoyancy, volatility, feather, dust, mote, down, thistle, down, flue, cobweb, gossamer, straw, cork, bubble, balloon, float, buoy, ether, air, leaven, ferment, barm, yeast, lighter-than-air balloon, helium balloon, hydrogen balloon, hot air balloon, convection, thermal draft, thermal, light, subtile, airy, imponderous, imponderable, astatic, weightless, ethereal, sublimated, gossamery, suberose, suberous, uncompressed, volatile, buoyant, floating, portable, light as a feather, light as a thistle, light as air, lighter than air, rise like a balloon, float like a balloon.
N rarity, tenuity, absence of solidity, subtility, subtilty, subtlety, sponginess, compressibility, rarefaction, expansion, dilatation, inflation, subtilization, vaporization, evaporation, diffusion, gassification, ether, rare, subtile, thin, fine, tenuous, compressible, flimsy, slight, light, cavernous, spongy, rarefied, unsubstantial, uncompact, incompressed, rarefiable.
N gaseity, vaporousness, flatulence, flatulency, volatility, aeration, aerification, elastic fluid, gas, air, vapor, ether, steam, essence, fume, reek, effluvium, flatus, cloud, ammonia, ammoniacal gas, volatile alkali, vacuum, partial vacuum, pneumatics, pneumatostatics, aerostatics, aerodynamics, gasmeter, gasometer, air bladder, swimming bladder, sound, (of a fish), gaseous, aeriform, ethereal, aerial, airy, vaporous, volatile, evaporable, flatulent.
N insensibility, physical insensibility, obtuseness, palsy, paralysis, paraesthesia, anaesthesia, sleep, hemiplegia, motor paralysis, vegetable state, coma, anaesthetic agent, opium, ether, chloroform, chloral, nitrous oxide, laughing gas, exhilarating gas, protoxide of nitrogen, refrigeration, insensible, unfeeling, senseless, impercipient, callous, thick- skinned, pachydermatous, hard, hardened, case hardened, proof, obtuse, dull, anaesthetic, comatose, paralytic, palsied, numb, dead.