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Found 1 definition: sauce.

sauce top

Pos: Noun, Verb (transitive)

Noun sauce has 1 senses

   sauce(n = noun.food) - flavorful relish or dressing or topping served as an accompaniment to food;
is a kind of
is a part of dish
has particulars: anchovy sauce, hot sauce, hard sauce, horseradish sauce, sauce albert, tartar sauce, tartare sauce, wine sauce, marchand de vin, mushroom wine sauce, bread sauce, plum sauce, peach sauce, apricot sauce, pesto, ravigote, ravigotte, remoulade sauce, dressing, salad dressing, aioli, aioli sauce, garlic sauce, barbecue sauce, hollandaise, bearnaise, bercy, bercy butter, bordelaise, bourguignon, bourguignon sauce, burgundy sauce, brown sauce, sauce espagnole, espagnole, sauce espagnole, brown sauce, chinese brown sauce, chocolate sauce, chocolate syrup, cocktail sauce, seafood sauce, colbert, colbert butter, bechamel, bechamel sauce, white sauce, demi-glaze, demiglace, gravy, pasta sauce, spaghetti sauce, mole, hunter's sauce, sauce chausseur, mushroom sauce, mustard sauce, nantua, shrimp sauce, hungarian sauce, paprika sauce, pepper sauce, poivrade, smitane, soubise, white onion sauce, brown onion sauce, lyonnaise sauce, veloute, allemande, allemande sauce, caper sauce, poulette, curry sauce, worcester sauce, worcestershire, worcestershire sauce, snail butter, newburg sauce
Derived forms verb sauce3, verb sauce2

Verb sauce has 3 senses

1.  sauce(v = verb.social) - behave saucily or impudently towards;
is one way to
act, behave, do
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s somebody

2.  sauce(v = verb.contact) - dress (food) with a relish;
is one way to
flavor, flavour, season
Derived form noun sauce1
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something

3.  sauce(v = verb.change) - add zest or flavor to, make more interesting; "sauce the roast"
is one way to
alter, change, modify
Derived form noun sauce1
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something


sauce, n. [F., fr. OF. sausse, LL. salsa, properly, salt pickle, fr. L. salsus salted, salt, p. p. of salire to salt, fr. sal salt. See Salt, and cf. Saucer, Souse pickle, Souse to plunge.].

1.  A composition of condiments and appetizing ingredients eaten with food as a relish; especially, a dressing for meat or fish or for puddings; as, mint sauce; sweet sauce, etc. Chaucer. [1913 Webster]
"High sauces and rich spices fetched from the Indies." [1913 Webster]

2.  Any garden vegetables eaten with meat. Forby. Bartlett. [1913 Webster]
"Roots, herbs, vine fruits, and salad flowers . . . they dish up various ways, and find them very delicious sauce to their meats, both roasted and boiled, fresh and salt." [1913 Webster]

3.  Stewed or preserved fruit eaten with other food as a relish; as, apple sauce, cranberry sauce, etc. Mrs. Lincoln (Cook Book). [1913 Webster]

4.  Sauciness; impertinence. Haliwell. [1913 Webster]

To serve one the same sauce, to retaliate in the same kind. [Vulgar]

sauce, v. t. [Cf. F. saucer.].

1.  To accompany with something intended to give a higher relish; to supply with appetizing condiments; to season; to flavor. [1913 Webster]

2.  To cause to relish anything, as if with a sauce; to tickle or gratify, as the palate; to please; to stimulate; hence, to cover, mingle, or dress, as if with sauce; to make an application to. [1913 Webster]
"Earth, yield me roots;
Who seeks for better of thee, sauce his palate
With thy most operant poison!
" [1913 Webster]

3.  To make poignant; to give zest, flavor or interest to; to set off; to vary and render attractive. [1913 Webster]
"Then fell she to sauce her desires with threatenings." [1913 Webster]
"Thou sayest his meat was sauced with thy upbraidings." [1913 Webster]

4.  To treat with bitter, pert, or tart language; to be impudent or saucy to. [1913 Webster]
"I'll sauce her with bitter words." [1913 Webster]

sauce, n. [F.].

   A soft crayon for use in stump drawing or in shading with the stump. [1913 Webster]


sauce, n. & v.
1 any of various liquid or semi-solid preparations taken as a relish with food; the liquid constituent of a dish (mint sauce; tomato sauce; chicken in a lemon sauce).
2 something adding piquancy or excitement.
3 colloq. impudence, impertinence, cheek.
4 US stewed fruit etc. eaten as dessert or used as a garnish.
1 colloq. be impudent to; cheek.
2 archaic a season with sauce or condiments. b add excitement to.

sauce-boat a kind of jug or dish used for serving sauces etc. sauce for the goose what is appropriate in one case (by implication appropriate in others).

sauceless adj.

ME f. OF ult. f. L salsus f. salere sals- to salt f. sal salt



N  adjunct, addition, additament, additum, affix, appelidage, annexe, annex, augment, augmentation, increment, reinforcement, supernumerary, accessory, item, garnish, sauce, accompaniment, adjective, addendum, complement, supplement, continuation, rider, offshoot, episode, side issue, corollary, piece, flap, lappet, skirt, embroidery, trappings, cortege, tail, suffix, wing, additional, alate, alated, winged, in addition.


N  mixture, admixture, commixture, commixtion, commixion, intermixture, alloyage, matrimony, junction, combination, miscegenation, impregnation, infusion, diffusion suffusion, transfusion, infiltration, seasoning, sprinkling, interlarding, interpolation, adulteration, sophistication, tinge, tincture, touch, dash, smack, sprinkling, spice, seasoning, infusion, soupcon, alloy, amalgam, brass, chowchow, pewter, magma, half-and-half, melange, tertium quid, miscellany, ambigu, medley, mess, hotchpot, pasticcio, patchwork, odds and ends, all sorts, jumble, salad, sauce, mash, omnium gatherum, gallimaufry, olla-podrida, olio, salmagundi, potpourri, Noah's ark, caldron texture, mingled yarn, mosaic, half-blood, half-caste, mulatto, terceron, quarteron, quinteron, quadroon, octoroon, griffo, zambo, cafuzo, Eurasian, fustee, fustie, griffe, ladino, marabou, mestee, mestizo, quintroon, sacatra zebrule, catalo, cross, hybrid, mongrel, mixed, implex, composite, half-and-half, linsey-woolsey, chowchow, hybrid, mongrel, heterogeneous, motley, miscellaneous, promiscuous, indiscriminate, miscible, among, amongst, amid, amidst, with, in the midst of, in the crowd.


N  malediction, malison, curse, imprecation, denunciation, execration, anathema, ban, proscription, excommunication, commination, thunders of the Vatican, fulmination, maranatha, aspersion, disparagement, vilification, vituperation, abuse, foul language, bad language, strong language, unparliamentary language, billingsgate, sauce, evil speaking, cursing, profane swearing, oath, foul invective, ribaldry, rude reproach, scurrility, threat, more bark than bite, invective, cursing, cursed, Int, woe to!, beshrew!, ruat coelum!, ill betide, woe betide, confusion seize!, damn!, damn it!, damn you!, damn you to hell!, go to hell!, go to blazes!, confound!, blast!, curse!, devil take!, hang!, out with!, a plague upon!, out upon!, aroynt!, honi soit!, parbleu!, delenda est Carthago.


N  condiment, seasoning, sauce, spice, relish, appetizer, salt, mustard, grey poupon mustard, pepper, black pepper, white pepper, peppercorn, curry, sauce piquante, caviare, onion, garlic, pickle, achar, allspice, bell pepper, Jamaica pepper, green pepper, chutney, cubeb, pimento, capsicum, red pepper, chili peppers, cayenne, nutmeg, mace, cinnamon, oregano, cloves, fennel, pot herbs, parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, bay leaves, marjoram, frankincense, balm, myrrh, paprika, saffron, ginger, turmeric.


aioli sauce, allemande sauce, anchovy sauce, apple sauce, apricot sauce, atelets sauce, barbecue sauce, bechamel sauce, bolognese pasta sauce, bourguignon sauce, bread sauce, brown onion sauce, brown sauce, burgundy sauce, caper sauce, cheese sauce, chili sauce, chinese brown sauce, chocolate sauce, cocktail sauce, cranberry sauce, cream sauce, curry sauce, duck sauce, fudge sauce, garlic sauce, hard sauce, hoisin sauce, hollandaise sauce, horseradish sauce, hot sauce, hot-fudge sauce, hungarian sauce, hunter's sauce, lyonnaise sauce, mint sauce, mornay sauce, mushroom sauce, mushroom wine sauce, mustard sauce, newburg sauce, paprika sauce, pasta sauce, peach sauce, pepper sauce, plum sauce, remoulade sauce, sauce albert, sauce aux hatelets, sauce chausseur, sauce espagnole, sauce espanole, sauce louis, sauce velout'82, sauce verte, sauce vinaigrette, seafood sauce, shrimp sauce, soy sauce, spaghetti sauce, steak sauce, tabasco sauce, taco sauce, tartar sauce, tartare sauce, tomato sauce, white onion sauce, white sauce, wine sauce, worcester sauce, worcestershire sauce