1. scholar(n = noun.person) bookman, scholarly person, student - a learned person (especially in the humanities); someone who by long study has gained mastery in one or more disciplines; Array
is a kind of intellect, intellectual
has particulars: academician, schoolman, alum, alumna, alumnus, grad, graduate, arabist, bibliographer, bibliophile, book lover, booklover, cabalist, kabbalist, doctor, dr., goliard, historian, historiographer, humanist, initiate, learned person, pundit, savant, islamist, licentiate, masorete, masorite, massorete, master, mujtihad, musicologist, bookworm, pedant, scholastic, philomath, philosopher, post doc, postdoc, reader, renaissance man, generalist, renaissance man, salutatorian, salutatory speaker, scholiast, medieval schoolman, schoolman, shakespearean, shakespearian, sinologist, theologian, theologiser, theologist, theologizer, valedictorian, valedictory speaker, vedist, crichton, james crichton, the admirable crichton, lorenzo de'medici, lorenzo the magnificent, edmond malone, edmund malone, malone, marcus terentius varro, varro
Derived forms adjective scholarly1, noun scholarship2
2. scholar(n = noun.person) assimilator, learner - someone (especially a child) who learns (as from a teacher) or takes up knowledge or beliefs; Array
is a kind of individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul
has particulars: memoriser, memorizer, quick study, sponge, dweeb, grind, nerd, swot, wonk, tutee
Derived form noun scholarship1
3. scholar(n = noun.person) Array - a student who holds a scholarship; Array
is a kind of educatee, pupil, student
has particulars: rhodes scholar
Derived form noun scholarship1
1. One who attends a school; one who learns of a teacher; one under the tuition of a preceptor; a pupil; a disciple; a learner; a student. [1913 Webster]
"I am no breeching scholar in the schools." [1913 Webster]
2. One engaged in the pursuits of learning; a learned person; one versed in any branch, or in many branches, of knowledge; a person of high literary or scientific attainments; a savant. Shak. Locke. [1913 Webster]
3. A man of books. Bacon. [1913 Webster]
4. In English universities, an undergraduate who belongs to the foundation of a college, and receives support in part from its revenues. [1913 Webster]
scholar, n.
1 a learned person, esp. in language, literature, etc.; an academic.
2 the holder of a scholarship.
3 a a person with specified academic ability (is a poor scholar). b a person who learns (am a scholar of life).
4 archaic colloq. a person able to read and write.
5 archaic a schoolboy or schoolgirl.
scholar's mate see MATE(2).
scholarly adv. scholarliness n.
ME f. OE scol(i)ere & OF escol(i)er f. LL scholaris f. L schola SCHOOL(1)
N knowledge, cognizance, cognition, cognoscence, acquaintance, experience, ken, privity, insight, familiarity, comprehension, apprehension, recognition, appreciation, intuition, conscience, consciousness, perception, precognition, acroamatics, light, enlightenment, glimpse, inkling, glimmer, glimmering, dawn, scent, suspicion, impression, discovery, system of knowledge, body of knowledge, science, philosophy, pansophy, acroama, theory, aetiology, etiology, circle of the sciences, pandect, doctrine, body of doctrine, cyclopedia, encyclopedia, school, tree of knowledge, republic of letters, erudition, learning, lore, scholarship, reading, letters, literature, book madness, book learning, bookishness, bibliomania, bibliolatry, information, general information, store of knowledge, education, culture, menticulture, attainments, acquirements, acquisitions, accomplishments, proficiency, practical knowledge, liberal education, dilettantism, rudiments, deep knowledge, profound knowledge, solid knowledge, accurate knowledge, acroatic knowledge, acroamatic knowledge, vast knowledge, extensive knowledge, encyclopedic knowledge, encyclopedic learning, omniscience, pantology, march of intellect, progress of science, advance of science, advance of learning, schoolmaster abroad, scholar, knowing, cognitive, acroamatic, aware of, cognizant of, conscious of, acquainted with, made acquainted with, privy to, no stranger to, au fait with, au courant, in the secret, up to, alive to, behind the scenes, behind the curtain, let into, apprized of, informed of, undeceived, proficient with, versed with, read with, forward with, strong with, at home in, conversant with, familiar with, erudite, instructed, leaned, lettered, educated, well conned, well informed, well read, well grounded, well educated, enlightened, shrewd, savant, blue, bookish, scholastic, solid, profound, deep-read, book- learned, accomplished, omniscient, self-taught, known, ascertained, well-known, recognized, received, notorious, noted, proverbial, familiar, familiar as household words, familiar to every schoolboy, hackneyed, trite, trivial, commonplace, cognoscible, cognizable, to one's knowledge, to the best of one's knowledge, one's eyes being opened, ompredre tout c'est tout pardonner, to know all is to pardon all, empta dolore docet experientia, gnothi seauton, half our knowledge we must snatch not take, Jahre lehren mehr als Bucher, years teach more than books, knowledge comes but wisdom lingers, knowledge is power, les affaires font les hommes, nec scire fas est omnia, the amassed thought and experience of innumerable, was ich nicht weiss macht mich nicht heiss.
N scholar, connoisseur, savant, pundit, schoolman, professor, graduate, wrangler, academician, academist, master of arts, doctor, licentitate, gownsman, philosopher, master of math, scientist, clerk, sophist, sophister, linguist, glossolinguist, philologist, philologer, lexicographer, glossographer, grammarian, litterateur, literati, dilettanti, illuminati, cogniscenti, fellow, Hebraist, lexicologist, mullah, munshi, Sanskritish, sinologist, sinologue, Mezzofanti, admirable Crichton, Mecaenas, bookworm, helluo librorum, bibliophile, bibliomaniac, bluestocking, bas-bleu, bigwig, learned Theban, don, Artium Baccalaureus, Artium Magister, learned man, literary man, homo multarum literarum, man of learning, man of letters, man of education, man of genius, antiquarian, antiquary, archaeologist, sage, pedant, doctrinaire, pedagogue, Dr, Pangloss, pantologist, criminologist, schoolboy, learned, brought up at the feet of Gamaliel, he was a scholar and a ripe and good one, the manifold linguist.
N learner, scholar, student, pupil, apprentice, prentice, journeyman, articled clerk, beginner, tyro, amateur, rank amateur, abecedarian, alphabetarian, alumnus, eleve, recruit, raw recruit, novice, neophyte, inceptor, catechumen, probationer, seminarian, chela, fellow-commoner, debutant, intern, resident, schoolboy, fresh, freshman, frosh, junior soph, junior, senior soph, senior, sophister, sophomore, questionist, undergraduate, graduate student, law student, medical student, pre-med, post-doctoral student, post-doc, matriculated student, part-time student, night student, auditor, class, grade, seminar, form, remove, pupilage, disciple, follower, apostle, proselyte, fellow-student, condisciple, school, in statu pupillari, in leading strings, practise makes perfect.