1. argue(v = verb.communication) reason - present reasons and arguments; Array
is one way to lay out, present, represent
Derived forms adjective arguable1, noun arguer1, noun argument3, noun argumentation2, noun argumentation1
Sample sentences:
Sam and Sue argue; Sam wants to argue with Sue
2. argue(v = verb.communication) contend, debate, fence - have an argument about something; Array
is one way to converse, discourse
Derived forms noun arguer1, noun argument2, adjective argumentative1
Sample sentences:
Sam and Sue argue; Sam wants to argue with Sue
3. argue(v = verb.communication) indicate - give evidence of; "The evidence argues for your claim"; "The results indicate the need for more work"
is one way to lay out, present, represent
Derived forms noun argument1, noun argumentation2, noun argumentation1
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something
1. To invent and offer reasons to support or overthrow a proposition, opinion, or measure; to use arguments; to reason. [1913 Webster]
"I argue not
Against Heaven's hand or will." [1913 Webster]
2. To contend in argument; to dispute; to reason; -- followed by with; as, you may argue with your friend without convincing him. [1913 Webster]
1. To debate or discuss; to treat by reasoning; as, the counsel argued the cause before a full court; the cause was well argued. [1913 Webster]
2. To prove or evince; too manifest or exhibit by inference, deduction, or reasoning. [1913 Webster]
"So many laws argue so many sins." [1913 Webster]
3. To persuade by reasons; as, to argue a man into a different opinion. [1913 Webster]
4. To blame; to accuse; to charge with. [1913 Webster]
"Thoughts and expressions . . . which can be truly argued of obscenity, profaneness, or immorality." [1913 Webster]
"Men of many words sometimes argue for the sake of talking; men of ready tongues frequently dispute for the sake of victory; men in public life often debate for the sake of opposing the ruling party, or from any other motive than the love of truth." [1913 Webster]
"Unskilled to argue, in dispute yet loud,
Bold without caution, without honors proud." [1913 Webster]
"Betwixt the dearest friends to raise debate." [1913 Webster]
argue, v. (argues, argued, arguing)
1 intr. (often foll. by with, about, etc.) exchange views or opinions, especially heatedly or contentiously (with a person).
2 tr. & intr. (often foll. by that + clause) indicate; maintain by reasoning.
3 intr. (foll. by for, against) reason (argued against joining).
4 tr. treat by reasoning (argue the point).
5 tr. (foll. by into, out of) persuade (argued me into going).
argue the toss colloq. dispute a decision or choice already made.
arguer n.
ME f. OF arguer f. L argutari prattle, frequent. of arguere make clear, prove, accuse
VB be evidence, evince, show, betoken, tell of, indicate, imply, involve, argue, bespeak, breathe, have weight, carry weight, tell, speak volumes, speak for itself, rest upon, depend upon, repose on, bear witness, give evidence, testify, depose, witness, vouch for, sign, seal, undersign, set one's hand and seal, sign and seal, deliver as one's act and deed, certify, attest, acknowledge, make absolute, confirm, prove (demonstrate), indorse, countersign, corroborate, support, ratify, bear out, uphold, warrant, adduce, attest, cite, quote, refer to, appeal to, call, call to witness, bring forward, bring into court, allege, plead, produce witnesses, confront witnesses, place into evidence, mark into evidence, collect evidence, bring together evidence, rake up evidence, experiment, have a case, make out a case, establish, authenticate, substantiate, verify, make good, quote chapter and verse, bring home to, bring to book.
VB reason, argue, discuss, debate, dispute, wrangle, argufy, bandy words, bandy arguments, chop logic, hold an argument, carry on an argument, controvert, canvass, comment upon, moralize upon, spiritualize, consider, open a discussion, open a case, try conclusions, join issue, be at issue, moot, come to the point, stir a question, agitate a question, ventilate a question, torture a question, take up a side, take up a case, contend, take one's stand upon, insist, lay stress on, infer, follow from.
VB indicate, be the sign, of, denote, betoken, argue, testify, bear the impress, of, connote, connotate, represent, stand for, typify, symbolize, put an indication, put a mark, note, mark, stamp, earmark, blaze, label, ticket, docket, dot, spot, score, dash, trace, chalk, print, imprint, impress, engrave, stereotype, make a sign, signalize, underscore, give a signal, hang out a signal, beckon, nod, wink, glance, leer, nudge, shrug, tip the wink, gesticulate, raise the finger, hold up the finger, raise the hand, hold up the hand, saw the air, suit the action to the word, wave a banner, unfurl a banner, hoist a banner, hang out a banner, wave the hand, wave a kerchief, give the cue, show one's colors, give an alarm, sound an alarm, beat the drum, sound the trumpets, raise a cry, sign, seal, attest, underline, call attention to, give notice.