art history(n = noun.cognition) - the academic discipline that studies the development of painting and sculpture;
is a kind of arts, humanistic discipline, humanities, liberal arts
has particulars: iconology
abstract art, ancient history, art, art class, art collection, art critic, art dealer, art deco, art department, art director, art editor, art exhibition, art form, art gallery, art historian, art movement, art nouveau, art object, art paper, art rock, art school, art song, art student, art tatum, art teacher, art union, art work, black art, case history, clip art, commercial art, culinary art, department of history, dramatic art, family history, fine art, folk art, glyptic art, graphic art, history, history department, history lesson, life history, martial art, medical history, minimal art, naive art, natural history, op art, outsider art, plastic art, pop art, primitive art, self-taught art, state of the art, vernacular art, work of art