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Found 1 definition: asking price.

asking price top

Pos: Noun Phrase

Noun asking price has 1 senses

   asking price(n = noun.possession) selling price - the price at which something is offered for sale; Array
is a kind of damage, price, terms
has particulars: offer price, upset price, list price


admission price, asking, at a low price, base price, bid price, bride price, cash price, closing price, consumer price index, cut price, ellen price wood, emily price post, factory price, fire-sale price, for a bargain price, for any price, for the asking, issue price, leontyne price, list price, low price, market price, mary leontyne price, offer price, price, price bracket, price competition, price control, price cut, price cutting, price floor, price freeze, price gouging, price increase, price index, price level, price list, price of admission, price reduction, price support, price tag, price war, producer price index, purchase price, retail price index, selling price, spot price, upset price, wholesale price index