1. blanket(n = noun.artifact) cover - bedding that keeps a person warm in bed; "he pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep"
is a kind of bed clothing, bedclothes, bedding
has particulars: afghan, electric blanket, mackinaw, mackinaw blanket, manta, security blanket
2. blanket(n = noun.object) mantle - anything that covers; "there was a blanket of snow"
is a kind of cover, covering, natural covering
Derived forms verb blanket1, verb blanket2
3. blanket(n = noun.artifact) Array - a layer of lead surrounding the highly reactive core of a nuclear reactor; Array
is a kind of bed, layer
is a part of breeder reactor
1. blanket(v = verb.contact) Array - cover as if with a blanket; "snow blanketed the fields"
is one way to cover
Derived form noun blanket2
Sample sentences:
The wind storms blanket the area with dust and dirt
2. blanket(v = verb.stative) Array - form a blanket-like cover (over); Array
is one way to cover, spread over
Derived form noun blanket2
Sample sentences:
Dust and dirt blanket the area
blanket(s = adj.all) across-the-board, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-inclusive, broad, encompassing, extensive, panoptic, wide - broad in scope or content; "across-the-board pay increases"; "an all-embracing definition"; "blanket sanctions against human-rights violators"; "an invention with broad applications"; "a panoptic study of Soviet nationality"; "granted him wide powers"
1. A heavy, loosely woven fabric, usually of wool, and having a nap, used in bed clothing; also, a similar fabric used as a robe; or any fabric used as a cover for a horse. [1913 Webster]
2. A piece of rubber, felt, or woolen cloth, used in the tympan to make it soft and elastic. [1913 Webster]
3. A streak or layer of blubber in whales. [1913 Webster]
" The use of blankets formerly as curtains in theaters explains the following figure of Shakespeare." Nares. [1913 Webster]
"Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark
To cry, “Hold, hold!”" [1913 Webster]
1. To cover with a blanket. [1913 Webster]
"I'll . . . blanket my loins." [1913 Webster]
2. To toss in a blanket by way of punishment. [1913 Webster]
"We'll have our men blanket 'em i' the hall." [1913 Webster]
3. To take the wind out of the sails of (another vessel) by sailing to windward of her. [1913 Webster]
blanket, n., adj., & v.
1 a large piece of woollen or other material used esp. as a bed-covering or to wrap up a person or an animal for warmth.
2 (usu. foll. by of) a thick mass or layer that covers something (blanket of fog; blanket of silence).
3 Printing a rubber surface transferring an impression from a plate to paper etc. in offset printing.
--adj. covering all cases or classes; inclusive (blanket condemnation; blanket agreement).
--v.tr. (blanketed, blanketing)
1 cover with or as if with a blanket (snow blanketed the land).
2 stifle; keep quiet (blanketed all discussion).
3 Naut. take wind from the sails of (another craft) by passing to windward.
blanket bath a body wash given to a bedridden patient. blanket stitch a stitch used to neaten the edges of a blanket or other material. born on the wrong side of the blanket illegitimate. electric blanket an electrically-wired blanket used for heating a bed. wet blanket colloq. a gloomy person preventing the enjoyment of others.
ME f. OF blancquet, blanchet f. blanc white, BLANK
N covering, cover, baldachin, baldachino, baldaquin, canopy, tilt, awning, tent, marquee, tente d'abri, umbrella, parasol, sunshade, veil (shade), shield, roof, ceiling, thatch, tile, pantile, pentile, tiling, slates, slating, leads, barrack, plafond, planchment, tiling, shed, top, lid, covercle, door, operculum, bulkhead, bandage, plaster, lint, wrapping, dossil, finger stall, coverlet, counterpane, sheet, quilt, tarpaulin, blanket, rug, drugget, housing, antimacassar, eiderdown, numdah, pillowcase, pillowslip, linoleum, saddle cloth, blanket cloth, tidy, tilpah, apishamore, integument, tegument, skin, pellicle, fleece, fell, fur, leather, shagreen, hide, pelt, peltry, cordwain, derm, robe, buffalo robe, cuticle, scarfskin, epidermis, clothing, mask, peel, crust, bark, rind, cortex, husk, shell, coat, eggshell, glume, capsule, sheath, sheathing, pod, cod, casing, case, theca, elytron, elytrum, involucrum, wrapping, wrapper, envelope, vesicle, corn husk, corn shuck, dermatology, conchology, testaceology, inunction, incrustation, superimposition, superposition, obduction, scale, veneer, facing, overlay, plate, silver plate, gold plate, copper plate, engobe, ormolu, Sheffield plate, pavement, coating, paint, varnish, plating, barrel plating, anointing, enamel, epitaxial deposition, vapor deposition, ground, whitewash, plaster, spackel, stucco, compo, cerement, ointment, covering, superimposed, overlaid, plated, cutaneous, dermal, cortical, cuticular, tegumentary, skinny, scaly, squamous, covered, imbricated, loricated, armor plated, ironclad, under cover, cowled, cucullate, dermatoid, encuirassed, hooded, squamiferous, tectiform, vaginate.
N calefaction, increase of temperature, heating, calefaction, tepefaction, torrefaction, melting, fusion, liquefaction, burning, ambustion, combustion, incension, accension, concremation, cremation, scorification, cautery, cauterization, ustulation, calcination, cracking, refining, incineration, cineration, carbonization, cupellation, ignition, inflammation, adustion, flagration, deflagration, conflagration, empyrosis, incendiarism, arson, auto dafe, boiling, coction, ebullition, estuation, elixation, decoction, ebullioscope, geyser, distillation (vaporization), furnace, blanket, flannel, fur, wadding, clothing, still, refinery, fractionating column, fractionating tower, cracking tower, match, incendiary, petroleuse, cauterizer, caustic, lunar caustic, alkali, apozem, moxa, acid, aqua fortis, aqua regia, catheretic, nitric acid, nitrochloro-hydric acid, nitromuriatic acid, radioactivity, gamma rays, alpha particles, beta rays, X-rays, radiation, cosmic radiation, background radiation, radioactive isotopes, tritium, uranium, plutonium, radon, radium, sunstroke, coup de soleil, insolation, pottery, ceramics, crockery, porcelain, china, earthenware, stoneware, pot, mug, terra cotta, brick, clinker, cinder, ash, scoriae, embers, soot, slag, coke, carbon, charcoal, wood alcohol, turpentine, tea tree oil, gasoline, kerosene, naptha, fuel oil (fuel), wax, paraffin, residue, tar, inflammability, combustibility, diathermancy, transcalency, conduction, convection, radiation, radiant heat, heat conductivity, conductivity, thermal expansion, coefficient of expansion, heated, molten, sodden, r_echauff_e, heating, adust, inflammable, combustible, diathermal, diathermanous, burnt, volcanic, radioactive.
blanket clause, blanket flower, blanket jam, blanket mortgage, blanket policy, blanket stitch, electric blanket, horse blanket, indian blanket, mackinaw blanket, saddle blanket, security blanket, wet blanket