1. blaze(n = noun.process) blazing - a strong flame that burns brightly; "the blaze spread rapidly"
is a kind of fire, flame, flaming
Derived form verb blaze3
2. blaze(n = noun.event) hell - a cause of difficulty and suffering; "war is hell"; "go to blazes"
is a kind of trouble
3. blaze(n = noun.act) hell - noisy and unrestrained mischief; "raising blazes"
is a kind of devilment, devilry, deviltry, mischief, mischief-making, mischievousness, rascality, roguery, roguishness, shenanigan
4. blaze(n = noun.attribute) brilliance, glare - a light within the field of vision that is brighter than the brightness to which the eyes are adapted; "a glare of sunlight"
is a kind of brightness
Derived form verb blaze1
5. blaze(n = noun.attribute) - a light-colored marking; "they chipped off bark to mark the trail with blazes"; "the horse had a blaze between its eyes"
is a kind of marking
1. blaze(v = verb.weather) - shine brightly and intensively; "Meteors blazed across the atmosphere"
is one way to beam, shine
Derived form noun blaze4
Sample sentences:
Lights blaze on the horizon; The horizon is blazeing with lights
2. blaze(v = verb.competition) blaze away - shoot rapidly and repeatedly; "He blazed away at the men"
is one way to blast, shoot
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s
3. blaze(v = verb.weather) - burn brightly and intensely; "The summer sun alone can cause a pine to blaze"
is one way to burn, combust
Derived form noun blaze1
Sample sentences:
Something ----s
4. blaze(v = verb.motion) blaze out - move rapidly and as if blazing; "The spaceship blazed out into space"
is one way to depart, part, set forth, set off, set out, start, start out, take off
Sample sentences:
Something ----s; Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s somebody PP; Somebody ----s something PP
5. blaze(v = verb.communication) - indicate by marking trees with blazes; "blaze a trail"
is one way to mark
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something
1. A stream of gas or vapor emitting light and heat in the process of combustion; a bright flame. Croly. [1913 Webster]
2. Intense, direct light accompanied with heat; as, to seek shelter from the blaze of the sun. [1913 Webster]
"O dark, dark, dark, amid the blaze of noon!" [1913 Webster]
3. A bursting out, or active display of any quality; an outburst; a brilliant display. Shak. [1913 Webster]
"For what is glory but the blaze of fame?" [1913 Webster]
4. A white spot on the forehead of a horse. [1913 Webster]
5. A spot made on trees by chipping off a piece of the bark, usually as a surveyor's mark. [1913 Webster]
" In low language in the U. S., blazes is frequently used of something extreme or excessive, especially of something very bad; as, blue as blazes.
"Three blazes in a perpendicular line on the same tree indicating a legislative road, the single blaze a settlement or neighborhood road." [1913 Webster]
1. To shine with flame; to glow with flame; as, the fire blazes. [1913 Webster]
2. To send forth or reflect glowing or brilliant light; to show a blaze. [1913 Webster]
"And far and wide the icy summit blazed." [1913 Webster]
3. To be resplendent. Macaulay. [1913 Webster]
1. To mark (a tree) by chipping off a piece of the bark. [1913 Webster]
"I found my way by the blazed trees." [1913 Webster]
2. To designate by blazing; to mark out, as by blazed trees; as, to blaze a line or path. [1913 Webster]
"Champollion died in 1832, having done little more than blaze out the road to be traveled by others." [1913 Webster]
1. To make public far and wide; to make known; to render conspicuous. [1913 Webster]
"On charitable lists he blazed his name." [1913 Webster]
"To blaze those virtues which the good would hide." [1913 Webster]
2. To blazon. Peacham. [1913 Webster]
blaze, n. & v.
1 a bright flame or fire.
2 a a bright glaring light; the sun set in a blaze of orange. b a full light (a blaze of publicity).
3 a violent outburst (of passion etc.) (a blaze of patriotic fervour).
4 a a glow of colour (roses were a blaze of scarlet). b a bright display (a blaze of glory).
1 burn with a bright flame.
2 be brilliantly lighted.
3 be consumed with anger, excitement, etc.
4 a show bright colours (blazing with jewels). b emit light (stars blazing).
blaze away (often foll. by at)
1 fire continuously with rifles etc.
2 work enthusiastically.
blaze up
1 burst into flame.
2 burst out in anger.
like blazes sl.
1 with great energy.
2 very fast. what the blazes! sl. what the hell!
blazingly adv.
blaze, n. & v.
1 a white mark on an animal's face.
2 a mark made on a tree by slashing the bark esp. to mark a route.
--v.tr. mark (a tree or a path) by chipping bark.
blaze a trail
1 mark out a path or route.
2 be the first to do, invent, or study something; pioneer.
blaze, v.tr. proclaim as with a trumpet.
blaze abroad spread (news) about.
ME f. LG or Du. blazen blow, f. Gmc bl{aelig}san
N heat, caloric, temperature, warmth, fervor, calidity, incalescence, incandescence, glow, flush, fever, hectic, phlogiston, fire, spark, scintillation, flash, flame, blaze, bonfire, firework, pyrotechnics, pyrotechny, wildfire, sheet of fire, lambent flame, devouring element, adiathermancy, recalescence, summer, dog days, canicular days, baking, heat, white heat, tropical heat, Afric heat, Bengal heat, summer heat, blood heat, sirocco, simoom, broiling sun, insolation, warming, sun, pyrology, thermology, thermotics, thermodynamics, thermometer, calorie, gram-calorie, small calorie, kilocalorie, kilogram calorie, large calorie, British Thermal Unit, B, T, U, therm, quad, degrees Kelvin, kelvins, degrees centigrade, degrees Celsius, degrees Fahrenheit, hot, warm, mild, genial, tepid, lukewarm, unfrozen, thermal, thermic, calorific, fervent, fervid, ardent, aglow, sunny, torrid, tropical, estival, canicular, steamy, close, sultry, stifling, stuffy, suffocating, oppressive, reeking, baking, red hot, white hot, smoking hot, burning, hot, piping hot, like a furnace, like an oven, burning, hot as fire, hot as pepper, hot enough to roast an ox, hot enough to boil an egg, fiery, incandescent, incalescent, candent, ebullient, glowing, smoking, live, on fire, dazzling, in flames, blazing, in a blaze, alight, afire, ablaze, unquenched, unextinguished, smoldering, in a heat, in a glow, in a fever, in a perspiration, in a sweat, sudorific, sweltering, sweltered, blood hot, blood warm, warm as a toast, warm as wool, volcanic, plutonic, igneous, isothermal, isothermic, isotheral, not a breath of air, whirlwinds of tempestuous fire.
VB be hot, glow, flush, sweat, swelter, bask, smoke, reek, stew, simmer, seethe, boil, burn, blister, broil, blaze, flame, smolder, parch, fume, pant, heat, recalesce, thaw, give.
VB heat, warm, chafe, stive, foment, make hot, sun oneself, sunbathe, go up in flames, burn to the ground (flame), fire, set fire to, set on fire, kindle, enkindle, light, ignite, strike a light, apply the match to, apply the torch to, rekindle, relume, fan the flame, add fuel to the flame, poke the fire, stir the fire, blow the fire, make a bonfire of, melt, thaw, fuse, liquefy, burn, inflame, roast, toast, fry, grill, singe, parch, bake, torrefy, scorch, brand, cauterize, sear, burn in, corrode, char, calcine, incinerate, smelt, scorify, reduce to ashes, burn to a cinder, commit to the flames, consign to the flames, boil, digest, stew, cook, seethe, scald, parboil, simmer, do to rags, take fire, catch fire, blaze.
N light, ray, beam, stream, gleam, streak, pencil, sunbeam, moonbeam, aurora, day, sunshine, light of day, light of heaven, moonlight, starlight, sunlight, daylight, broad daylight, noontide light, noontide, noonday, noonday sun, glow, glimmering, glint, play of light, flood of light, phosphorescence, lambent flame, flush, halo, glory, nimbus, aureola, spark, scintilla, facula, sparkling, emication, scintillation, flash, blaze, coruscation, fulguration, flame, lightning, levin, ignis fatuus, luster, sheen, shimmer, reflexion, reflection, gloss, tinsel, spangle, brightness, brilliancy, splendor, effulgence, refulgence, fulgor, fulgidity, dazzlement, resplendence, transplendency, luminousness, luminosity, lucidity, renitency, nitency, radiance, radiation, irradiation, illumination, actinic rays, actinism, Roentgen-ray, Xray, photography, heliography, photometer, optics, photology, photometry, dioptrics, catoptrics, chiaroscuro, clairobscur, clear obscure, breadth, light and shade, black and white, tonality, reflection, refraction, dispersion, refractivity, shining, luminous, luminiferous, lucid, lucent, luculent, lucific, luciferous, light, lightsome, bright, vivid, splendent, nitid, lustrous, shiny, beamy, scintillant, radiant, lambent, sheen, sheeny, glossy, burnished, glassy, sunny, orient, meridian, noonday, tide, cloudless, clear, unclouded, unobscured, gairish, garish, resplendent, transplendent, refulgent, effulgent, fulgid, fulgent, relucent, splendid, blazing, in a blaze, ablaze, rutilant, meteoric, phosphorescent, aglow, bright as silver, light as day, bright as day, light as noonday, bright as noonday, bright as the sun at noonday, actinic, photogenic, graphic, heliographic, heliophagous, a day for gods to stoop and men to soar, dark with excessive bright.
VB shine, glow, glitter, glister, glisten, twinkle, gleam, flare, flare up, glare, beam, shimmer, glimmer, flicker, sparkle, scintillate, coruscate, flash, blaze, be bright, reflect light, daze, dazzle, bedazzle, radiate, shoot out beams, fulgurate, clear up, brighten, lighten, enlighten, levin, light, light up, irradiate, shine upon, give out a light, hang out a light, cast light upon, cast light in, throw light upon, throw light in, shed light upon, shed luster upon, illume, illumine, illuminate, relume, strike a light, kindle.
N indication, symbolism, symbolization, semiology, semiotics, semeiology, semeiotics, Zeitgeist, characteristic, diagnostic, lineament, feature, trait, fingerprint, voiceprint, footprint, noseprint, cloven hoof, footfall, recognition (memory), diagnostic, divining rod, detector, sign, symbol, index, indice, indicator, point, pointer, exponent, note, token, symptom, dollar sign, dollar mark, type, figure, emblem, cipher, device, representation, epigraph, motto, posy, gesture, gesticulation, pantomime, wink, glance, leer, nod, shrug, beck, touch, nudge, dactylology, dactylonomy, freemasonry, telegraphy, chirology, byplay, dumb show, cue, hint, clue, clew, key, scent, signal, signal post, rocket, blue light, watch fire, watch tower, telegraph, semaphore, flagstaff, cresset, fiery cross, calumet, heliograph, guidon, headlight, mark, scratch, line, stroke, dash, score, stripe, streak, tick, dot, point, notch, nick, print, imprint, impress, impression, keyboard symbols, printing symbols, red letter, italics, sublineation, underlining, bold font, jotting, note, annotation, reference, blaze, cedilla, guillemets, hachure, quotation marks, ", double quotes, " ", parentheses, "( )", brackets, "", braces, "", left arrow, "<", right arrow, ">", forward slash, "/", backward slash, "\", exclamation point, "!", commercial at, "@", pound sign, "#", percent sign, "%", carat, "", ampersand, "&", asterisk, "*", hyphen, "-", dash, "-", "_", em dash, "--", plus sign, "+", equals sign, "=", question mark, "?", period, ", ", semicolon, ", ", colon, ":", comma, ", ", apostrophe, "'", single quote, "'", tilde, "~", badge, criterion, countercheck, countermark, countersign, counterfoil, duplicate, tally, label, ticket, billet, letter, counter, check, chip, chop, dib, totem, tessera, card, bill, witness, voucher, stamp, cacher, trade mark, Hall mark, signature, mark, autograph, autography, attestation, hand, hand writing, sign manual, cipher, seal, sigil, signet, hand and seal, paraph, brand, superscription, indorsement, endorsement, password, watchword, catchword, security card, pass, passkey, credentials, open sesame, timbrology, mot de passe, mot du guet, pass-parole, shibboleth, title, heading, docket, address card, visiting card, carte de visite, insignia, banner, banneret, bannerol, bandrol, flag, colors, streamer, standard, eagle, labarum, oriflamb, oriflamme, figurehead, ensign, pennon, pennant, pendant, burgee, blue Peter, jack, ancient, gonfalon, union jack, banderole, old glory, quarantine flag, vexillum, yellow-flag, yellow jack, tricolor, stars and stripes, bunting, heraldry, crest, coat of arms, arms, armorial bearings, hatchment, escutcheon, scutcheon, shield, supporters, livery, uniform, cockade, epaulet, chevron, garland, love knot, favor, beacon, cairn, post, staff, flagstaff, hand, pointer, vane, cock, weathercock, guidepost, handpost, fingerpost, directing post, signpost, pillars of Hercules, pharos, bale-fire, beacon-fire, l'etoile du Nord, landmark, seamark, lighthouse, balize, polestar, loadstar, lodestar, cynosure, guide, address, direction, name, sign, signboard, warning, omen, prefigurement, trace, record, warning &c, alarm, scepter, trophy, gauge, milestone, milepost, brand, fool's cap, check, telltale, test, mileage ticket, milliary, notification, advertisement, word of command, call, bugle call, trumpet call, bell, alarum, cry, battle cry, rallying cry, angelus, reveille, sacring bell, sanctus bell, exposition &c (explanation), proof, pattern, indicating, indicative, indicatory, denotative, connotative, diacritical, representative, typical, symbolic, pantomimic, pathognomonic, symptomatic, characteristic, demonstrative, diagnostic, exponential, emblematic, armorial, individual, known by, recognizable by, indicated, pointed, marked, denotable, indelible, in token of, symbolically, in dumb show, ecce signum, ex ungue leonem, ex pede Herculem, vide ut supra, vultus ariete fortior.
VB indicate, be the sign, of, denote, betoken, argue, testify, bear the impress, of, connote, connotate, represent, stand for, typify, symbolize, put an indication, put a mark, note, mark, stamp, earmark, blaze, label, ticket, docket, dot, spot, score, dash, trace, chalk, print, imprint, impress, engrave, stereotype, make a sign, signalize, underscore, give a signal, hang out a signal, beckon, nod, wink, glance, leer, nudge, shrug, tip the wink, gesticulate, raise the finger, hold up the finger, raise the hand, hold up the hand, saw the air, suit the action to the word, wave a banner, unfurl a banner, hoist a banner, hang out a banner, wave the hand, wave a kerchief, give the cue, show one's colors, give an alarm, sound an alarm, beat the drum, sound the trumpets, raise a cry, sign, seal, attest, underline, call attention to, give notice.