1. bottle collection(n = noun.group) Array - a collection of bottles; "her bottle collection is arranged on glass shelves in the window"
is a kind of accumulation, aggregation, assemblage, collection
2. bottle collection(n = noun.act) Array - the activity of collecting bottles; "bottle collection is a hobby of hers"
is a kind of aggregation, assembling, collecting, collection
3. bottle collection(n = noun.act) Array - collecting bottles for reuse; Array
is a kind of recycling
art collection, beer bottle, bottle, bottle bank, bottle bill, bottle cork, bottle gentian, bottle gourd, bottle grass, bottle green, bottle opener, bottle screw, bottle tree, bottle up, catsup bottle, coin collection, collection, collection agent, collection plate, feeding bottle, garbage collection, hot-water bottle, ink bottle, ketchup bottle, klein bottle, loan collection, magnetic bottle, map collection, motley collection, nursing bottle, pill bottle, pop bottle, rental collection, smelling bottle, soda bottle, specimen bottle, spin the bottle, stamp collection, tax collection, thermos bottle, trash collection, vacuum bottle, water bottle, whiskey bottle, wine bottle, woulfe bottle