1. broadcast(n = noun.communication) - message that is transmitted by radio or television;
is a kind of message
has particulars: rebroadcast, radio broadcast, simulcast, telecast, newscast
Derived forms verb broadcast3, verb broadcast1
2. broadcast(n = noun.communication) program, programme - a radio or television show; "did you see his program last night?"
is a kind of show
has particulars: news, news program, news show, rerun, chat show, talk show, television program, television show, tv program, tv show, game show, giveaway, serial, series, episode, installment, instalment, sustaining program
Derived forms verb broadcast3, verb broadcast1
1. broadcast(v = verb.communication) air, beam, send, transmit - broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television; "We cannot air this X-rated song"
is one way to air, bare, publicise, publicize
Derived forms noun broadcast1, noun broadcast2, noun broadcaster1
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something; Somebody ----s something PP
2. broadcast(v = verb.contact) - sow over a wide area, especially by hand; "broadcast seeds"
is one way to seed, sow
Derived form noun broadcaster2
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something
3. broadcast(v = verb.communication) circularise, circularize, circulate, diffuse, disperse, disseminate, distribute, pass around, propagate, spread - cause to become widely known; "spread information"; "circulate a rumor"; "broadcast the news"
is one way to air, bare, publicise, publicize
Derived forms noun broadcast1, noun broadcast2
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something
1. A casting or throwing seed in all directions, as from the hand in sowing. [1913 Webster]
2. an act of broadcasting; specifically, a program in which sounds or images are transmitted in all directions from a radio or television station; -- usually referring to a scheduled program on a commercial or public service radio or television station, using the normal radio frequencies for those media, in contrast to a radiotelephone conversation, which may also be transmitted in all directions, but is intended for receipt by a base station in the telephone network. [PJC]
1. Cast or dispersed in all directions, as seed from the hand in sowing; widely diffused. [1913 Webster]
2. Scattering in all directions (as a method of sowing); -- opposed to planting in hills, or rows. [1913 Webster]
So as to scatter or be scattered in all directions; so as to spread widely, as seed from the hand in sowing, or news from the press. [1913 Webster]
1. to cast or disperse in all directions, as seed from the hand in sowing; to diffuse widely. [1913 Webster]
2. to transmit (sounds, images, or other signals) in all directions from a radio or television station. [PJC]
3. to disseminate (information, a speech, an advertisement, etc.) from a radio or television station. [PJC]
4. to spread (information, news, gossip) widely by any means. [PJC]
broadcast, v., n., adj., & adv.
--v. (past broadcast or broadcasted; past part. broadcast)
1 tr. transmit (programmes or information) by radio or television.
2 intr. undertake or take part in a radio or television transmission.
3 tr. scatter (seed etc.) over a large area, esp. by hand.
--n. a radio or television programme or transmission.
1 transmitted by radio or television.
2 a scattered widely. b (of information etc.) widely disseminated.
--adv. over a large area.
broadcaster n. broadcasting n.
BROAD + CAST past part.
VB disperse, scatter, sow, broadcast, disseminate, diffuse, shed, spread, bestrew, overspread, dispense, disband, disembody, dismember, distribute, apportion, blow off, let out, dispel, cast forth, draught off, strew, straw, strow, ted, spirtle, cast, sprinkle, issue, deal out, retail, utter, resperse, intersperse, set abroach, circumfuse, turn adrift, cast adrift, scatter to the winds, spread like wildfire, disperse themselves.
N nonassemblage, dispersion, dispersion, disjunction, divergence, aspersion, scattering, dissemination, diffusion, dissipation, distribution, apportionment, spread, respersion, circumfusion, interspersion, spargefaction, affusion, waifs and estrays, flotsam and jetsam, disjecta membra waveson, unassembled &c (assemble), dispersed, sparse, dispread, broadcast, sporadic, widespread, epidemic, adrift, stray, disheveled, streaming, sparsim, here and there, passim.
broadcast area, broadcast journalist, broadcast medium, radio broadcast