1. broadside(n = noun.communication) bill, broadsheet, circular, flier, flyer, handbill, throwaway - an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution; "he mailed the circular to all subscribers"
is a kind of ad, advert, advertisement, advertising, advertizement, advertizing
has particulars: stuffer
2. broadside(n = noun.communication) philippic, tirade - a speech of violent denunciation; Array
is a kind of denouncement, denunciation, declamation
3. broadside(n = noun.artifact) Array - all of the armament that is fired from one side of a warship; Array
is a kind of armament
4. broadside(n = noun.artifact) Array - the whole side of a vessel from stem to stern; "the ship was broadside to the dock"
is a kind of side
Derived form verb broadside1
5. broadside(n = noun.act) Array - the simultaneous firing of all the armament on one side of a warship; Array
is a kind of fire, firing
broadside(v = verb.contact) Array - collide with the broad side of; "her car broad-sided mine"
is one way to collide with, hit, impinge on, run into, strike
Derived form noun broadside4
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody; Something ----s something
broadside(s = adj.all) Array - toward a full side; "a broadside attack"
broadside(r = adv.all) Array - with a side facing an object; "the train hit the truck broadside"; "the wave caught the canoe broadside and capsized it"
1. The side of a ship above the water line, from the bow to the quarter. [1913 Webster]
2. A discharge of or from all the guns on one side of a ship, at the same time. [1913 Webster]
3. A volley of abuse or denunciation. [1913 Webster]
4. A sheet of paper containing one large page, or printed on one side only; -- called also
broadside, n.
1 the firing of all guns from one side of a ship.
2 a vigorous verbal onslaught.
3 the side of a ship above the water between the bow and quarter.
broadside on sideways on.
N attack, assault, assault and battery, onset, onslaught, charge, aggression, offense, incursion, inroad, invasion, irruption, outbreak, estrapade, ruade, coupe de main, sally, sortie, camisade, raid, foray, run at, run against, dead set at, storm, storming, boarding, escalade, siege, investment, obsession, bombardment, cannonade, fire, volley, platoon fire, file fire, fusillade, sharpshooting, broadside, raking fire, cross fire, volley of grapeshot, whiff of the grape, feu d'enfer, cut, thrust, lunge, pass, passado, carte and tierce, home thrust, coupe de bec, kick, punch, battue, razzia, Jacquerie, dragonnade, devastation, eboulement, assailant, aggressor, invader, base of operations, point of attack, echelon, attacking, aggressive, offensive, obsidional, up in arms, on the offensive, Int, up and at them!, the din of arms, the yell of savage rage, the shriek of agony, the groan of death, their fatal hands no second stroke intend, thirst for glory quells the love of life.
N laterality, side, flank, quarter, lee, hand, cheek, jowl, jole, wing, profile, temple, parietes, loin, haunch, hip, beam, gable, gable end, broadside, lee side, points of the compass, East, Orient, Levant, West, orientation, lateral, sidelong, collateral, parietal, flanking, skirting, flanked, sideling, many sided, multilateral, bilateral, trilateral, quadrilateral, Eastern, orient, oriental, Levantine, Western, occidental, Hesperian, sideways, sidelong, broadside on, on one side, abreast, alongside, beside, aside, by the side of, side by side, cheek by jowl, to windward, to leeward, laterally, right and left, on her beam ends, his cheek the may of days outworn.
N publication, public announcement, promulgation, propagation, proclamation, pronunziamento, circulation, indiction, edition, hue and cry, publicity, notoriety, currency, flagrancy, cry, bruit, hype, vox populi, report, the Press, public press, newspaper, journal, gazette, daily, telegraphy, publisher, imprint, circular, circular letter, manifesto, advertisement, ad, placard, bill, affiche, broadside, poster, notice, published, current, in circulation, public, notorious, flagrant, arrant, open, trumpet-tongued, encyclical, encyclic, promulgatory, exoteric, publicly, in open court, with open doors, Int, Oyez!, O yes!, notice!, notice is hereby given, this is to give, these are to give notice, nomina stultorum parietibus haerent, semel emissum volat irrevocabile verbum.