1. circuit(n = noun.artifact) electric circuit, electrical circuit - an electrical device that provides a path for electrical current to flow; Array
is a kind of electrical device
is a part of electronic equipment
has parts: capacitance, capacitor, condenser, electrical condenser, choke, choke coil, choking coil, electrical relay, relay, resistance, resistor, short, short circuit, bypass, electrical shunt, shunt, electron tube, thermionic tube, thermionic vacuum tube, thermionic valve, tube, vacuum tube
has particulars: bridge, bridge circuit, bridged-t, closed circuit, loop, computer circuit, delay line, feedback circuit, feedback loop, flip-flop, clipper, limiter, data link, link, open circuit, pulse timing circuit, resonant circuit, resonator, series circuit, squelch, squelch circuit, squelcher, tank circuit, t-network, wiring
2. circuit(n = noun.act) tour - a journey or route all the way around a particular place or area; "they took an extended tour of Europe"; "we took a quick circuit of the park"; "a ten-day coach circuit of the island"
is a kind of journey, journeying
has particulars: walkabout, grand tour, grand tour, itineration, package holiday, package tour, pub crawl, whistle-stop tour
Derived form verb circuit1
3. circuit(n = noun.location) Array - an established itinerary of venues or events that a particular group of people travel to; "she's a familiar name on the club circuit"; "on the lecture circuit"; "the judge makes a circuit of the courts in his district"; "the international tennis circuit"
is a kind of itinerary, path, route
Derived form verb circuit1
4. circuit(n = noun.location) circumference - the boundary line encompassing an area or object; "he had walked the full circumference of his land"; "a danger to all races over the whole circumference of the globe"
is a kind of border, borderline, boundary line, delimitation, mete
5. circuit(n = noun.group) Array - (law) a judicial division of a state or the United States (so-called because originally judges traveled and held court in different locations); one of the twelve groups of states in the United States that is covered by a particular circuit court of appeals; Array
is a kind of group, grouping
6. circuit(n = noun.artifact) racing circuit - a racetrack for automobile races; Array
is a kind of racecourse, racetrack, raceway, track
7. circuit(n = noun.act) circle, lap - movement once around a course; "he drove an extra lap just for insurance"
is a kind of locomotion, travel
has particulars: pace lap, lap of honour, victory lap
circuit(v = verb.motion) Array - make a circuit; "They were circuiting about the state"
is one way to go, locomote, move, travel
Derived forms noun circuit2, noun circuit3
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s PP
1. The act of moving or revolving around, or as in a circle or orbit; a revolution; as, the periodical circuit of the earth round the sun. Watts. [1913 Webster]
2. The circumference of, or distance round, any space; the measure of a line round an area. [1913 Webster]
"The circuit or compass of Ireland is 1,800 miles." [1913 Webster]
3. That which encircles anything, as a ring or crown. [1913 Webster]
"The golden circuit on my head." [1913 Webster]
4. The space inclosed within a circle, or within limits. [1913 Webster]
"A circuit wide inclosed with goodliest trees." [1913 Webster]
5. A regular or appointed journeying from place to place in the exercise of one's calling, as of a judge, or a preacher. [1913 Webster]
6. A certain division of a state or country, established by law for a judge or judges to visit, for the administration of justice. [1913 Webster]
7. Circumlocution. Huloet. [1913 Webster]
To move in a circle; to go round; to circulate. J. Philips. [1913 Webster]
To travel around. T. Warton. [1913 Webster]
circuit, n.
1 a a line or course enclosing an area; the distance round. b the area enclosed.
2 Electr. a the path of a current. b the apparatus through which a current passes.
3 a the journey of a judge in a particular district to hold courts. b this district. c the lawyers following a circuit.
4 a chain of theatres or cinemas etc. under a single management.
5 Brit. a motor-racing track.
6 a a sequence of sporting events (the US tennis circuit). b a sequence of athletic exercises.
7 a roundabout journey.
8 a a group of local Methodist churches forming a minor administrative unit. b the journey of an itinerant minister within this.
circuit-breaker an automatic device for stopping the flow of current in an electrical circuit.
ME f. OF, f. L circuitus f. CIRCUM- + ire it- go
N circuit, roundabout way, digression, detour, circumbendibus, ambages, loop, winding, zigzag, circuitous, indirect, roundabout, zigzag, backhanded, by a side wind, by an indirect course, in a roundabout way, from pillar to post.
N region, sphere, ground, soil, area, field, realm, hemisphere, quarter, district, beat, orb, circuit, circle, reservation, pale, compartment, department, clearing, (property) &c 780 (Government), 1 arena, precincts, enceinte, walk, march, patch, plot, parcel, inclosure, close, field, court, enclave, reserve, preserve, street, clime, climate, zone, meridian, latitude, biosphere, lithosphere, territorial, local, parochial, provincial, regional.
N outline, circumference, perimeter, periphery, ambit, circuit, lines tournure, contour, profile, silhouette, bounds, coast line, zone, belt, girth, band, baldric, zodiac, girdle, tyre, cingle, clasp, girt, cordon, circlet.
N convolution, winding, convolution, involution, circumvolution, wave, undulation, tortuosity, anfractuosity, sinuosity, sinuation, meandering, circuit, circumbendibus, twist, twirl, windings and turnings, ambages, torsion, inosculation, reticulation, rivulation, roughness, coil, roll, curl, buckle, spiral, helix, corkscrew, worm, volute, rundle, tendril, scollop, scallop, escalop, kink, ammonite, snakestone, serpent, eel, maze, labyrinth, knot, convoluted, winding, twisted, tortile, tortive, wavy, undated, undulatory, circling, snaky, snake-like, serpentine, serpent, anguill, vermiform, vermicular, mazy, tortuous, sinuous, flexuous, anfractuous, reclivate, rivulose, scolecoid, sigmoid, sigmoidal, spiriferous, spiroid, involved, intricate, complicated, perplexed, labyrinth, labyrinthic, labyrinthian, labyrinthine, peristaltic, daedalian, kinky, knotted, wreathy, frizzly, crepe, buckled, raveled, spiral, coiled, helical, cochleate, cochleous, screw-shaped, turbinated, turbiniform, in and out, round and round, a can of worms, Gordian knot.
N journey, travel, traveling, wayfaring, campaigning, journey, excursion, expedition, tour, trip, grand tour, circuit, peregrination, discursion, ramble, pilgrimage, hajj, trek, course, ambulation, march, walk, promenade, constitutional, stroll, saunter, tramp, jog trot, turn, stalk, perambulation, noctambulation, noctambulism, somnambulism, outing, ride, drive, airing, jaunt, equitation, horsemanship, riding, manege, ride and tie, basophobia, roving, vagrancy, pererration, marching and countermarching, nomadism, vagabondism, vagabondage, hoboism, gadding, flit, flitting, migration, emigration, immigration, demigration, intermigration, wanderlust, plan, itinerary, guide, handbook, guidebook, road book, Baedeker, Bradshaw, Murray, map, road map, transportation guide, subway map, procession, cavalcade, caravan, file, cortege, column, vehicle, automobile, train, bus, airplane, plane, autobus, omnibus, subway, motorbike, dirt bike, off-road vehicle, van, minivan, motor scooter, trolley, locomotive, legs, feet, pegs, pins, trotters, traveler, depot, railway station, station, traveling, ambulatory, itinerant, peripatetic, roving, rambling, gadding, discursive, vagrant, migratory, monadic, circumforanean, circumforaneous, noctivagrant, mundivagrant, locomotive, wayfaring, wayworn, travel-stained, on foot, on horseback, on Shanks's mare, by the Marrowbone stage: in transitu, en route, Int, come along!.
N circuition, circulation, turn, curvet, excursion, circumvention, circumnavigation, circumambulation, northwest passage, circuit, turning, wrench, evolution, coil, corkscrew, turning, circuitous, circumforaneous, circumfluent, round about.
and circuit, borscht circuit, borsht circuit, bridge circuit, circuit board, circuit breaker, circuit card, circuit court of appeals, closed circuit, computer circuit, control circuit, electric circuit, electrical circuit, feedback circuit, integrated circuit, light circuit, lighting circuit, nand circuit, negative feedback circuit, open circuit, or circuit, parallel circuit, phantom circuit, printed circuit, pulse timing circuit, racing circuit, resonant circuit, series circuit, short circuit, shunt circuit, squelch circuit, tank circuit, telephone circuit, x-or circuit, xor circuit