civil year(n = noun.time) calendar year - the year (reckoned from January 1 to December 31) according to Gregorian calendar;
is a kind of twelvemonth, year, yr
has particulars: date
academic year, american civil war, anomalistic year, astronomical year, bissextile year, calendar year, christian year, church year, civil, civil action, civil authority, civil censorship, civil ceremony, civil contempt, civil day, civil death, civil defense, civil disobedience, civil engineer, civil engineering, civil law, civil leader, civil liberty, civil list, civil marriage, civil order, civil right, civil rights, civil rights activist, civil rights leader, civil rights movement, civil rights worker, civil servant, civil service, civil service commission, civil service reform, civil suit, civil time, civil union, civil war, civil wrong, common year, each year, english civil war, equinoctial year, every year, financial year, fiscal year, great year, holy year, intercalary year, international civil aviation organization, jewish new year, leap year, light year, lunar year, mohammedan year, new year, off year, per year, platonic year, sabbatical year, school year, sidereal year, solar year, spanish civil war, three year old, time of year, tropical year, two year old, united states civil war, year, year 2000 bug, year 2000 compliant, year 2000 problem, year dot, year of grace