achromatic color, blind, blind alley, blind bend, blind corner, blind curve, blind date, blind drunk, blind eel, blind faith, blind flying, blind gentian, blind gut, blind impulse, blind landing, blind man's buff, blind person, blind reader, blind side, blind snake, blind spot, blind staggers, blind stitching, blind to, blind trust, change of color, chromatic color, color, color bar, color bearer, color blindness, color chart, color circle, color code, color constancy, color force, color guard, color in, color line, color of law, color property, color scheme, color sergeant, color spectrum, color television, color television system, color television tube, color tube, color tv, color tv tube, color vision, color vision deficiency, color wash, color wheel, complementary color, copper color, dithered color, double blind, earth color, field-sequential color television, field-sequential color television system, field-sequential color tv, field-sequential color tv system, fly blind, food color, isabel color, isabella color, local color, nonsolid color, off color, oil color, parti color, people of color, person of color, poster color, red-green color blindness, ring of color, roller blind, skin color, spectral color, turn a blind eye, vat color, venetian blind, water color, western blind snake, window blind, yellow-blue color blindness