commercial(n = noun.communication) commercial message - a commercially sponsored ad on radio or television; Array
is a kind of ad, advert, advertisement, advertising, advertizement, advertizing
has particulars: infomercial, informercial
Derived form adjective commercial1
1. commercial(a = adj.all) Array - connected with or engaged in or sponsored by or used in commerce or commercial enterprises; "commercial trucker"; "commercial TV"; "commercial diamonds"
Antonym: noncommercial
Derived forms noun commerce1, noun commercial1
2. commercial(a = adj.pert) Array - of or relating to commercialism; "a commercial attache"; "commercial paper"; "commercial law"
Derived form noun commerce1
3. commercial(s = adj.all) commercial-grade - of the kind or quality used in commerce; average or inferior; "commercial grade of beef"; "commercial oxalic acid"
Derived form noun commerce1
Of or pertaining to commerce; carrying on or occupied with commerce or trade; mercantile; as, commercial advantages; commercial relations. Macaulay. [1913 Webster]
commercial, adj. & n.
1 of, engaged in, or concerned with, commerce.
2 having profit as a primary aim rather than artistic etc. value; philistine.
3 (of chemicals) supplied in bulk more or less unpurified.
1 a television or radio advertisement.
2 archaic a commercial traveller.
commercial art art used in advertising, selling, etc. commercial broadcasting television or radio broadcasting in which programmes are financed by advertisements. commercial traveller a firm's travelling salesman or saleswoman who visits shops to get orders. commercial vehicle a vehicle used for carrying goods or fare-paying passengers.
commercialism n. commerciality n. commercially adv.
N barter, exchange, scorse, truck system, interchange, a Roland for an Oliver, quid pro quo, commutation, composition, Indian gift, trade, commerce, mercature, buying and selling, bargain and sale, traffic, business, nundination, custom, shopping, commercial enterprise, speculation, jobbing, stockjobbing, agiotage, brokery, deal, dealing, transaction, negotiation, bargain, free trade, commercial, mercantile, trading, interchangeable, marketable, staple, in the market, for sale, wholesale, retail, across the counter, cambio non e furto.
commercial activity, commercial agency, commercial art, commercial artist, commercial bank, commercial bribery, commercial credit, commercial credit company, commercial document, commercial enterprise, commercial finance company, commercial instrument, commercial law, commercial letter of credit, commercial loan, commercial message, commercial paper, commercial traveler, commercial traveller, commercial treaty