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Found 1 definition: concoction.

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Pos: Noun

Noun concoction has 4 senses

1.  concoction(n = noun.food) intermixture, mixture - any foodstuff made by combining different ingredients; "he volunteered to taste her latest concoction"; "he drank a mixture of beer and lemonade"
is a kind of food product, foodstuff
has particulars: mincemeat, dressing, stuffing, roux, batter, dough, mix, premix, filling
Derived form verb concoct2

2.  concoction(n = noun.event) Array - an occurrence of an unusual mixture; "it suddenly spewed out a thick green concoction"
is a kind of
mix, mixture
Derived form verb concoct1

3.  concoction(n = noun.cognition) Array - the invention of a scheme or story to suit some purpose; "his testimony was a concoction"; "she has no peer in the concoction of mystery stories"
is a kind of
conception, design, excogitation, innovation, invention
Derived forms verb concoct4, verb concoct3

4.  concoction(n = noun.act) confection - the act of creating something (a medicine or drink or soup etc.) by compounding or mixing a variety of components; Array
is a kind of creating from raw materials
Derived forms verb concoct1, verb concoct2


concoction, n. [L. concoctio.].

1.  A change in food produced by the organs of nutrition; digestion. [1913 Webster]

2.  The act of concocting or preparing by combining different ingredients; also, the food or compound thus prepared. [1913 Webster]

3.  The act of digesting in the mind; planning or devising; rumination. Donne. [1913 Webster]

4.  Abatement of a morbid process, as a fever and return to a normal condition. [1913 Webster]

5.  The act of perfecting or maturing. Bacon. [1913 Webster]



N  preparation, providing, provision, providence, anticipation, precaution, preconcertation, predisposition, forecast, rehearsal, note of preparation, arrangement, clearance, adjustment, tuning, equipment, outfit, accouterment, armament, array, ripening, maturation, evolution, elaboration, concoction, digestion, gestation, batching, incubation, sitting, groundwork, first stone, cradle, stepping-stone, foundation, scaffold, scaffolding, echafaudage, training, inurement, novitiate, cooking, cookery, brewing, culinary art, tilling, plowing sowing, semination, cultivation, preparedness, readiness, ripeness, mellowness, maturity, un impromptu fait a loisir, preparer, trainer, pioneer, trailblazer, avant-courrier, avant-coureur, voortrekker, sappers and miners, pavior, navvy, packer, stevedore, warming pan, preparing, in preparation, in course of preparation, in agitation, in embryo, in hand, in train, afoot, afloat, on foot, on the stocks, on the anvil, under consideration, brewing, batching, forthcoming, brooding, in store for, in reserve, precautionary, provident, preparative, preparatory, provisional, inchoate, under revision, preliminary, prepared, in readiness, ready, ready to one's band, ready made, ready cut and dried: made to one's hand, handy, on the table, in gear, in working order, in working gear, snug, in practice, ripe, mature, mellow, pukka, practiced, labored, elaborate, highly-wrought, smelling of the lamp, worked up, in full feather, in best bib and tucker, in harness, at harness, in the saddle, in arms, in battle array, in war paint, up in arms, armed at all points, armed to the teeth, armed cap a pie, sword in hand, booted and spurred, in utrumque paratus, semper paratus, on the alert, at one's post, in preparation, in anticipation of, against, for, abroach, a bove majori discit arare minor, looking before and after, si vis pacem para bellum.