cross wire(n = noun.artifact) cross hair - either of two fine mutually perpendicular lines that cross in the focus plane of an optical instrument and are use for sighting or calibration; "he had the target in his cross hairs"
is a kind of line
is a part of graticule, reticle, reticule
at cross purposes, baling wire, barbed wire, calvary cross, celtic cross, chicken wire, conducting wire, cross, cross bit, cross bun, cross country, cross dressing, cross examination, cross examine, cross eye, cross fire, cross grained, cross hair, cross hatching, cross infection, cross of calvary, cross of lorraine, cross off, cross oneself, cross out, cross product, cross purposes, cross question, cross section, cross street, cross thwart, cross vine, dihybrid cross, distinguished flying cross, distinguished service cross, double cross, electric wire, greek cross, half cross stitch, high wire, holy cross, hot cross bun, jerusalem cross, latin cross, live wire, lorraine cross, low st andrew's cross, malheur wire lettuce, maltese cross, market cross, monohybrid cross, navy cross, northern cross, office wire, papal cross, patriarchal cross, peltier's cross, piano wire, reciprocal cross, red cross, sign of the cross, southern cross, st andrews's cross, st. andrew's cross, st. anthony's cross, station of the cross, stations of the cross, tau cross, telegraph wire, telephone wire, trip wire, trolley wire, victoria cross, wire, wire cloth, wire cutter, wire gage, wire gauge, wire glass, wire grass, wire gun, wire matrix printer, wire printer, wire puller, wire pulling, wire recorder, wire service, wire stripper, wire tapper, wire wool