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Found 1 definition: curve.

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Pos: Noun, Verb (usu participle)

Noun curve has 5 senses

1.  curve(n = noun.shape) curved shape - the trace of a point whose direction of motion changes;
is a kind of line
has particulars: bell-shaped curve, gaussian curve, gaussian shape, normal curve, meander, closed curve, s-shape, catenary, cupid's bow, undulation, wave, extrados, gooseneck, intrados, bend, crook, turn, twist, crotchet, hook, envelope, arc, crenation, crenature, crenel, crenelle, scallop, spiral, helix, spiral, perversion, sinuosity, sinuousness, arch, bell, bell shape, campana, arc, bow, crescent, quadric, quadric surface, line roulette, roulette
Antonym: straight line
Derived form verb curve1

2.  curve(n = noun.communication) - a line on a graph representing data;
is a kind of
is a part of graph, graphical record
has particulars: regression curve, regression line

3.  curve(n = noun.act) bender, breaking ball, curve ball - a pitch of a baseball that is thrown with spin so that its path curves as it approaches the batter;
is a kind of delivery, pitch

4.  curve(n = noun.attribute) curvature - the property possessed by the curving of a line or surface;
is a kind of configuration, conformation, contour, form, shape
has particulars: curliness, waviness, straightness
Derived forms verb curve3, verb curve2, adjective curvey1, adjective curvy1

5.  curve(n = noun.artifact) bend - curved segment (of a road or river or railroad track etc.);
is a kind of section, segment
is a part of road, route
has particulars: blind bend, blind curve, elbow, hairpin bend
Derived forms verb curve5, verb curve1, verb curve2, adjective curvey1, adjective curvy1

Verb curve has 5 senses

1.  curve(v = verb.motion) cut, sheer, slew, slue, swerve, trend, veer - turn sharply; change direction abruptly; "The car cut to the left at the intersection"; "The motorbike veered to the right"
is one way to turn
Derived forms noun curve5, noun curve1
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Something is ----ing PP

2.  curve(v = verb.stative) twist, wind - extend in curves and turns; "The road winds around the lake"; "the path twisted through the forest"
is one way to be
Derived forms noun curve5, noun curve4
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Something is ----ing PP

3.  curve(v = verb.motion) arc, arch - form an arch or curve; "her back arches"; "her hips curve nicely"
is one way to bend, flex
Derived forms noun curvature3, noun curvature1, noun curve4
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Somebody ----s something

4.  curve(v = verb.motion) crook - bend or cause to bend; "He crooked his index finger"; "the road curved sharply"
is one way to bend, flex
Derived form noun curvature1
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Somebody ----s something

5.  curve(v = verb.change) curl, kink - form a curl, curve, or kink; "the cigar smoke curled up at the ceiling"
is one way to change surface
Derived form noun curve5
Sample sentences: Something ----s


curve, a. [L. curvus bent, curved. See Cirb.].

   Bent without angles; crooked; curved; as, a curve line; a curve surface. [1913 Webster]

curve, n. [See Curve, a., Cirb.].

1.  A bending without angles; that which is bent; a flexure; as, a curve in a railway or canal. [1913 Webster]

2.  A line described according to some low, and having no finite portion of it a straight line. [1913 Webster]

Axis of a curve. See under Axis. -- Curve of quickest descent. See Brachystochrone. -- Curve tracing (Math.), the process of determining the shape, location, singular points, and other peculiarities of a curve from its equation. -- Plane curve (Geom.), a curve such that when a plane passes through three points of the curve, it passes through all the other points of the curve. Any other curve is called a curve of double curvature, or a twisted curve.

curve, v. t. [L. curvare., fr. curvus. See Curve, a., Curb.].

   To bend; to crook; as, to curve a line; to curve a pipe; to cause to swerve from a straight course; as, to curve a ball in pitching it. [1913 Webster]

curve, v. i.

   To bend or turn gradually from a given direction; as, the road curves to the right. [1913 Webster]


curve, n. & v.
1 a line or surface having along its length a regular deviation from being straight or flat, as exemplified by the surface of a sphere or lens.
2 a curved form or thing.
3 a curved line on a graph.
4 Baseball a ball caused to deviate by the pitcher's spin.
--v.tr. & intr. bend or shape so as to form a curve.

curved adj.

orig. as adj. (in curve line) f. L curvus bent: (v.) f. L curvare



VB  be curved curve, sweep, sway, swag, sag, deviate, curl, turn, reenter, render curved, flex, bend, curve, incurvate, inflect, deflect, scatter, refract (light), crook, turn, round, arch, arcuate, arch over, concamerate, bow, curl, recurve, frizzle, rotundity, convexity.


VB  alter one's course, deviate, depart from, turn, trend, bend, curve, swerve, heel, bear off, gybe, wear, intervert, deflect, divert, divert from its course, put on a new scent, shift, shunt, draw aside, crook, warp, stray, straggle, sidle, diverge, tralineate, digress, wander, wind, twist, meander, veer, tack, divagate, sidetrack, turn aside, turn a corner, turn away from, wheel, steer clear of, ramble, rove, drift, go astray, go adrift, yaw, dodge, step aside, ease off, make way for, shy, fly off at a tangent, glance off, wheel about, face about, turn to the right about, face to the right about, waddle, go out of one's way, lose one's way.


bell-shaped curve, blind curve, characteristic curve, closed curve, curve ball, exponential curve, frequency-response curve, gaussian curve, jordan curve, laffer curve, normal curve, regression curve, simple closed curve, sine curve