VB not use, do without, dispense with, let alone, not touch, forbear, abstain, spare, waive, neglect, keep back, reserve, lay up, lay by, lay on the shelf, keep on the shelf, lay up in ordinary, lay up in a napkin, shelve, set aside, put aside, lay aside, disuse, leave off, have done with, supersede, discard, dismiss, give warning, throw aside, make away with, cast overboard, heave overboard, throw overboard, cast to the dogs, cast to the winds, dismantle, lie unemployed, remain unemployed.
absence without leave, do, do a job on, do away with, do business, do by, do drugs, do good, do in, do it, do justice, do justice to, do nothing, do one's best, do over, do the dishes, do the honors, do the trick, do time, do up, do well, do work, dog do, doggy do, go without saying, make do, sao bernardo do campo, tae kwon do, to do, without, without a stitch, without aim, without ambiguity, without bias, without bloodshed, without consideration, without delay, without diplomacy, without doubt, without end, without exception, without expression, without foundation, without graciousness, without moderation, without modesty, without reasoning, without rhyme or reason, without stopping, without sympathy, without thinking, without warning