fast reactor(n = noun.artifact) Array - nuclear reactor in which nuclear fissions are caused by fast neutrons because little or no moderator is used; Array
is a kind of nuclear reactor, reactor
Antonym: thermal reactor
atomic reactor, boiling water reactor, breeder reactor, chain reactor, chemical reactor, fast, fast and loose, fast asleep, fast break, fast buck, fast day, fast dye, fast food, fast lane, fast of ab, fast of av, fast of esther, fast of gedaliah, fast of tammuz, fast of tevet, fast of the firstborn, fast one, fast time scale, fast track, fusion reactor, gas-cooled reactor, hard and fast, hold fast, liquid metal reactor, major fast day, minor fast day, nuclear reactor, power reactor, pressurized water reactor, pull a fast one, pull a fast one on, reactor, stand fast, thermal reactor, thermonuclear reactor, very fast, water-cooled reactor