1. finder(n = noun.person) Array - someone who comes upon something after searching; Array
is a kind of quester, searcher, seeker
Derived form verb find3
2. finder(n = noun.person) discoverer, spotter - someone who is the first to observe something; Array
is a kind of beholder, observer, perceiver, percipient
has particulars: co-discoverer
Derived forms verb find6, verb find2, verb find1, verb find3
3. finder(n = noun.artifact) view finder, viewfinder - optical device that helps a user to find the target of interest; Array
is a kind of optical device
is a part of camera, photographic camera, gun-sight, gunsight, scope, telescope
1. One who, or that which, finds; [1913 Webster]
2. A slide ruled in squares, so as to assist in locating particular points in the field of vision. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
finder, n.
1 a person who finds.
2 a small telescope attached to a large one to locate an object for observation.
3 the viewfinder of a camera.
finders keepers colloq. whoever finds a thing is entitled to keep it.
depth finder, direction finder, range finder, sonic depth finder, stud finder, synonym finder, view finder, water finder, word finder