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Found 1 definition: formulation.

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Pos: Noun

Noun formulation has 3 senses

1.  formulation(n = noun.substance) preparation - a substance prepared according to a formula; "the physician prescribed a commercial preparation of the medicine"
is a kind of chemical compound, compound
has particulars: cleaner, cleanser, cleansing agent, glycerinated gelatin, nebula, polish, starch, smelling salts
Derived form verb formulate4

2.  formulation(n = noun.act) conceptualisation, conceptualization - inventing or contriving an idea or explanation and formulating it mentally;
is a kind of creating by mental acts
has particulars: approach, attack, plan of attack, framing
Derived forms verb formulate1, verb formulate3, verb formulate2

3.  formulation(n = noun.communication) expression - the style of expressing yourself; "he suggested a better formulation"; "his manner of expression showed how much he cared"
is a kind of expressive style, style
has particulars: sentimentalism, honorific, archaicism, archaism, boilerplate, colloquialism, idiom, parlance, americanism, anglicism, briticism, britishism, choice of words, diction, phraseology, phrasing, verbiage, wording
Derived form verb formulate3


formulation, n.

   The act, process, or result of formulating or reducing to a formula. [1913 Webster]