give ear(v = verb.perception) advert, attend, hang, pay heed - give heed (to); "The children in the audience attended the recital quietly"; "She hung on his every word"; "They attended to everything he said"
is one way to listen
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s
VB hear, overhear, hark, harken, list, listen, pay attention, take heed, give an ear, lend an ear, bend an ear, catch, catch a sound, prick up one's ears, give ear, give a hearing, give audience to, hang upon the lips of, be all ears, listen with both ears, become audible, meet the ear, fall upon the ear, catch the ear, reach the ear, be heard, ring in the ear.
bear's ear, cauliflower ear, ear, ear canal, ear doctor, ear fungus, ear hole, ear lobe, ear piercing, ear specialist, ear splitting, ear trumpet, elephant ear, elephant's ear, external ear, give, give a damn, give a hand, give a hang, give a hoot, give a lift, give and take, give away, give back, give birth, give birth to, give care, give chase, give forth, give full measure, give ground, give in, give it a try, give it a whirl, give it the deep six, give notice, give off, give one's best, give or take, give out, give over, give rise, give suck, give thanks, give the axe, give the bounce, give the eye, give the gate, give the glad eye, give the once over, give the sack, give the word, give tongue to, give up, give vent, give voice, give way, give way to, in one ear, inner ear, internal ear, lion's ear, midas's ear, middle ear, mouse ear, outer ear, play by ear, play it by ear, tin ear, to one ear, vestibule of the ear