1. gun(n = noun.artifact) - a weapon that discharges a missile at high velocity (especially from a metal tube or barrel);
is a kind of arm, weapon, weapon system
has parts: action, action mechanism, barrel, gun barrel, cartridge ejector, ejector, cartridge extractor, cartridge remover, extractor, cartridge clip, cartridge holder, clip, magazine, firing chamber, gun chamber, firing mechanism, gunlock, gun muzzle, muzzle, gun-sight, gunsight, gun trigger, trigger, safety catch, safety lock, gunstock, stock
has particulars: air gun, air rifle, airgun, ack-ack, ack-ack gun, antiaircraft, antiaircraft gun, flack, flak, pom-pom, breechloader, cannon, cannon, firearm, piece, small-arm, gas gun, minute gun, quaker gun, set gun, spring gun, whaling gun
Derived form verb gun1
2. gun(n = noun.artifact) artillery, heavy weapon, ordnance - large but transportable armament;
is a kind of armament
is a part of battery
has parts: gunstock, stock
has particulars: cannon, field artillery, field gun, four-pounder
Derived form verb gun1
3. gun(n = noun.person) gunman - a person who shoots a gun (as regards their ability);
is a kind of shooter, shot
Derived form verb gun1
4. gun(n = noun.person) gun for hire, gunman, gunslinger, hired gun, hit man, hitman, shooter, torpedo, triggerman - a professional killer who uses a gun;
is a kind of liquidator, manslayer, murderer
Derived form verb gun1
5. gun(n = noun.artifact) grease-gun - a hand-operated pump that resembles a revolver; forces grease into parts of a machine;
is a kind of pump
6. gun(n = noun.artifact) accelerator, accelerator pedal, gas, gas pedal, throttle - a pedal that controls the throttle valve; "he stepped on the gas"
is a kind of foot lever, foot pedal, pedal, treadle
is a part of aeroplane, airplane, plane, auto, automobile, car, machine, motorcar
7. gun(n = noun.act) - the discharge of a firearm as signal or as a salute in military ceremonies; "two runners started before the gun"; "a twenty gun salute"
is a kind of discharge, firing, firing off
Derived form verb gun1
gun(v = verb.competition) - shoot with a gun;
is one way to blast, shoot
Derived forms noun gun7, noun gun2, noun gun1, noun gun4, noun gun3, noun gunner1
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s
1. A weapon which throws or propels a missile to a distance; any firearm or instrument for throwing projectiles, consisting of a tube or barrel closed at one end, in which the projectile is placed, with an explosive charge (such as guncotton or gunpowder) behind, which is ignited by various means. Pistols, rifles, carbines, muskets, and fowling pieces are smaller guns, for hand use, and are called
"As swift as a pellet out of a gunne
When fire is in the powder runne." [1913 Webster]
"The word gun was in use in England for an engine to cast a thing from a man long before there was any gunpowder found out." [1913 Webster]
2. A piece of heavy ordnance; in a restricted sense, a cannon. [1913 Webster]
3. Violent blasts of wind. [1913 Webster]
" Guns are classified, according to their construction or manner of loading as
To practice fowling or hunting small game; -- chiefly in participial form; as, to go gunning.
gun, n. & v.
1 any kind of weapon consisting of a metal tube and often held in the hand with a grip at one end, from which bullets or other missiles are propelled with great force, esp. by a contained explosion.
2 any device imitative of this, e.g. a starting pistol.
3 a device for discharging insecticide, grease, electrons, etc., in the required direction (often in comb.: grease-gun).
4 a member of a shooting-party.
5 US a gunman.
6 the firing of a gun.
7 (in pl.) Naut. sl. a gunnery officer.
--v. (gunned, gunning)
1 tr. a (usu. foll. by down) shoot (a person) with a gun. b shoot at with a gun.
2 tr. colloq. accelerate (an engine or vehicle).
3 intr. go shooting.
4 intr. (foll. by for) seek out determinedly to attack or rebuke.
go great guns colloq. proceed forcefully or vigorously or successfully. gun-carriage a wheeled support for a gun. gun-cotton an explosive used for blasting, made by steeping cotton in nitric and sulphuric acids. gun crew a team manning a gun. gun dog a dog trained to follow sportsmen using guns. gun-shy (esp. of a sporting dog) alarmed at the report of a gun. gun-site a (usu. fortified) emplacement for a gun. jump the gun colloq. start before a signal is given, or before an agreed time. stick to one's guns colloq. maintain one's position under attack.
gunless adj. gunned adj.
ME gunne, gonne, perh. f. the Scand. name Gunnhildr
N arm, arms, weapon, deadly weapon, armament, armaments, armature, panoply, stand of arms, armor, armory, apparatus belli, ammunition, powder, powder and shot, cartridge, ball cartridge, cartouche, fireball, villainous saltpeter, dumdum bullet, explosive, gunpowder, guncotton, mercury fulminate, picrates, pentaerythritol tetranitrate, PETN, high explosive, trinitrotoluene, TNT, dynamite, melinite, cordite, lyddite, plastic explosive, plastique, pyroxyline, sword, saber, broadsword, cutlass, falchion, scimitar, cimeter, brand, whinyard, bilbo, glaive, glave, rapier, skean, Toledo, Ferrara, tuck, claymore, adaga, baselard, Lochaber ax, skean dhu, creese, kris, dagger, dirk, banger, poniard, stiletto, stylet, dudgeon, bayonet, sword-bayonet, sword-stick, side arms, foil, blade, steel, ax, bill, pole-ax, battle-ax, gisarme, halberd, partisan, tomahawk, bowie knife, ataghan, attaghan, yataghan, yatacban, assagai, assegai, good sword, trusty sword, naked sword, cold steel, club, mace, truncheon, staff, bludgeon, cudgel, life preserver, shillelah, sprig, hand staff, quarter staff, bat, cane, stick, knuckle duster, billy, blackjack, sandbag, waddy, gun, piece, firearms, artillery, ordnance, siege train, battering train, park, battery, cannon, gun of position, heavy gun, field piece, mortar, howitzer, carronade, culverin, basilisk, falconet, jingal, swivel, pederero, bouche a feu, petard, torpedo, mitrailleur, mitrailleuse, infernal machine, smooth bore, rifled cannon, Armstrong gun, Lancaster gun, Paixhan gun, Whitworth gun, Parrott gun, Krupp gun, Gatling gun, Maxim gun, machine gun, pompom, ten pounder, small arms, musket, musketry, firelock, fowling piece, rifle, fusil, caliver, carbine, blunderbuss, musketoon, Brown Bess, matchlock, harquebuss, arquebus, haguebut, pistol, postolet, petronel, small bore, breach-loader, muzzle-loader, revolver, repeater, Minis rifle, Enfield rifle, Flobert rifle, Westley Richards rifle, Snider rifle, Martini-Henry rifle, Lee-Metford rifle, Lee-Enfield rifle, Mauser rifle, magazine rifle, needle gun, chassepot, wind gun, air gun, automatic gun, automatic pistol, escopet, escopette, gunflint, gun- lock, hackbut, shooter, shooting iron, six-shooter, shotgun, Uzzi, assault rifle, Kalashnikov, bow, crossbow, balister, catapult, sling, battering ram, gunnery, ballistics, missile, bolt, projectile, shot, ball, grape, grape shot, canister shot, bar shot, cannon shot, langrel shot, langrage shot, round shot, chain shot, balista, ballista, slung shot, trebucbet, trebucket, bullet, slug, stone, brickbat, grenade, shell, bomb, carcass, rocket, congreve, congreve rocket, shrapnel, mitraille, levin bolt, levin brand, thunderbolt, pike, lance, spear, spontoon, javelin, dart, jereed, jerid, arrow, reed, shaft, bolt, boomerang, harpoon, gaff, eelspear, oxgoad, weet-weet, wommerah, cattle prod, chemical mace, en flute, nervos belli pecuniam infinitam.
N propulsion, projection, propelment, vis a tergo, force from behind, push, shove, ejaculate, ejection, throw, fling, toss, shot, discharge, shy, launch, release, projectiles, ballistics, archery, propeller, screw, twin screws, turbine, jet engine, missile, projectile, ball, discus, quoit, brickbat, shot, arrow, gun, ballista, countdown, windup, shooter, shot, archer, toxophilite, bowman, rifleman, marksman, good shot, crack shot, sharpshooter, propelled, propelling, propulsive, projectile.
N snap, rapping, decrepitation, crepitation, report, thud, burst, explosion, blast, boom, discharge, detonation, firing, salvo, volley, squib, cracker, firecracker, cherry bomb, M, gun, cap, cap gun, popgun, implosion, bomb burst, atomic explosion, nuclear explosion (arms), gunpowder, dynamite, gun cotton, nitroglycerine, nitrocellulose, plastic explosive, plastique, TNT, cordite, trinitrotoluene, picric acid, picrates, mercury fulminate (arms), whack, wham, pow, rapping, Int, kaboom!, whamo!, Heewhack!, pow!.
ack-ack gun, air gun, antiaircraft gun, assault gun, bb gun, big gun, bofors gun, bren gun, browning machine gun, burp gun, electron gun, field gun, gas gun, gatling gun, grease gun, gun barrel, gun carriage, gun case, gun chamber, gun control, gun deck, gun dog, gun down, gun emplacement, gun enclosure, gun for, gun for hire, gun moll, gun muzzle, gun rest, gun room, gun smoke, gun trigger, gun turret, harpoon gun, high-angle gun, hired gun, hotchkiss gun, hydropneumatic gun carriage, jump the gun, krupp gun, light machine gun, machine gun, maxim gun, minute gun, naval gun, paintball gun, quaker gun, riot gun, set gun, smoking gun, spray gun, spring gun, squirt gun, staple gun, sten gun, stun gun, submachine gun, thompson submachine gun, tommy gun, vickers' gun, vickers-maxim automatic machine gun, vickers-maxim gun, water gun, whaling gun, whitworth gun, wire gun, wire-wound gun, zip gun