gustatory perception(n = noun.cognition) gustatory sensation, taste, taste perception, taste sensation - the sensation that results when taste buds in the tongue and throat convey information about the chemical composition of a soluble stimulus; "the candy left him with a bad taste"; "the melon had a delicious taste"
is a kind of aesthesis, esthesis, sensation, sense datum, sense experience, sense impression
has particulars: flavor, flavour, nip, relish, sapidity, savor, savour, smack, tang, sugariness, sweet, sweetness, sour, sourness, tartness, bitter, bitterness, salinity, salt, saltiness, astringence, astringency, finish, flatness, mellowness
auditory perception, extrasensory perception, gustatory, gustatory cell, gustatory modality, gustatory organ, gustatory sensation, musical perception, olfactory perception, perception, sound perception, speech perception, taste perception, touch perception, visual perception