launching pad(n = noun.artifact) launch area, launch pad, launchpad, pad - a platform from which rockets or space craft are launched; Array
is a kind of platform
is a part of launching site
N departure, decession, decampment, embarkation, outset, start, removal, exit, exodus, hejira, flight, leave taking, valediction, adieu, farewell, goodbye, auf wiedersehen, sayonara, dosvidanya, ciao, aloha, hasta la vista, stirrup cup, valedictorian, starting point, starting post, point of departure, point of embarkation, place of departure, place of embarkation, port of embarkation, airport, take-off point, taxiing runway, runway, launching pad, spaceport, departing, valedictory, outward bound, whence, hence, thence, with a foot in the stirrup, on the wing, on the move, Int, begone!, farewell!, adieu!, goodbye!, good day!, au revoir!, fare you well!, God bless you!, God speed!, all aboard!, auf wiedersehen!, au plaisir de vous revoir!, bon voyage!, gluckliche Reise!, vive valeque!.
arm pad, body pad, brake pad, carpet pad, cleaning pad, elbow pad, heating pad, hip pad, hot pad, inking pad, knee pad, launch pad, launching, launching site, lily pad, mattress pad, message pad, pad, pad elephant, pad of paper, rocket launching, rug pad, scouring pad, scratch pad, sea pad, shoulder pad, sketch pad, soap pad, stamp pad, steel-wool pad, thigh pad, wrist pad, writing pad