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Found 1 definition: loan office.

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Pos: Noun Phrase

Noun loan office has 2 senses

1.  loan office(n = noun.artifact) pawnbroker's shop, pawnshop - a shop where loans are made with personal property as security; Array
is a kind of shop, store

2.  loan office(n = noun.artifact) Array - an office where loans are negotiated and repaid; Array
is a kind of
business office, office


auto loan, automobile loan, bank loan, booking office, box office, business loan, business office, by right of office, call loan, car loan, central office, commercial loan, consumer loan, crown office, demand loan, direct loan, divine office, employment office, executive office of the president, federal home loan bank system, federal home loan mortgage corporation, federal office, foreign office, french foreign office, government accounting office, government office, government printing office, hold office, home equity loan, home loan, home loan bank, home office, industrial loan company, installment loan, interbank loan, land office, leave office, left-luggage office, life office, little office, loan, loan application, loan approval, loan collection, loan participation, loan shark, loan sharking, loan translation, local post office, main office, mortgage loan, national reconnaissance office, office, office block, office boy, office building, office furniture, office of homeland security, office of inspector general, office of intelligence support, office of management and budget, office of naval intelligence, office of the dead, office staff, office wire, oval office, participation loan, patent and trademark office database, patent office, personal loan, personnel office, placement office, police office, post office, public office, real estate loan, savings and loan, savings and loan association, shipping office, small loan company, spoils of office, staff office, take office, term of office, ticket office, time loan, united nations office for drug control and crime p, united states government accounting office, united states government printing office, united states post office, us government printing office, us post office