natural spring(n = noun.object) fountain, outflow, outpouring, spring - a natural flow of ground water; Array
is a kind of formation, geological formation
has particulars: fountain of youth, geyser, hot spring, thermal spring
air spring, box spring, carolina spring beauty, coil spring, hot spring, leaf spring, natural, natural ability, natural action, natural childbirth, natural covering, natural depression, natural elevation, natural enclosure, natural endowment, natural event, natural family, natural family planning, natural fiber, natural fibre, natural gas, natural glass, natural history, natural immunity, natural language, natural language processing, natural language processing application, natural language processor, natural law, natural logarithm, natural number, natural object, natural order, natural phenomenon, natural philosophy, natural process, natural product, natural product chemistry, natural resin, natural resource, natural resources, natural right, natural rubber, natural science, natural scientist, natural selection, natural shape, natural state, natural steel, natural theology, natural virtue, natural world, royal society of london for improving natural know, spiral spring, spring, spring balance, spring beauty, spring break, spring cankerworm, spring chicken, spring cleavers, spring cress, spring equinox, spring fever, spring frog, spring gun, spring heath, spring mattress, spring onion, spring peeper, spring roll, spring scale, spring squill, spring steel, spring to mind, spring training, spring up, spring upon, spring vetch, spring vetchling, spring water, thermal spring, virginia spring beauty, volute spring