newtonian(n = noun.person) - a follower of Isaac Newton;
is a kind of follower
Derived form adjective newtonian1
newtonian(a = adj.pert) - of or relating to or inspired by Sir Isaac Newton or his science; "Newtonian physics"
Derived forms noun newton1, noun newtonian1
Of or pertaining to Sir Isaac Newton, or his discoveries. [1913 Webster]
A follower of Newton. [1913 Webster]
newtonian, adj. of or devised by Isaac Newton (see NEWTON).
Newtonian mechanics the system of mechanics which relies on Newton's laws of motion concerning the relations between forces acting and motions occurring. Newtonian telescope a reflecting telescope with a small secondary mirror at 45° to the main beam of light to reflect it into a magnifying eyepiece.
newtonian mechanics, newtonian reflector, newtonian telescope