nuclear physics(n = noun.cognition) atomic physics, nucleonics - the branch of physics that studies the internal structure of atomic nuclei;
is a kind of natural philosophy, physics
has parts: atomic theory
That branch of physics which studies the structure of and phenomena observed in atomic nuclei. [PJC]
atomic physics, department of physics, high energy physics, high-energy physics, nuclear, nuclear chemist, nuclear chemistry, nuclear club, nuclear deterrence, nuclear device, nuclear energy, nuclear engineering, nuclear explosion, nuclear family, nuclear fission, nuclear fuel, nuclear fusion, nuclear fusion reaction, nuclear magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine, nuclear meltdown, nuclear physicist, nuclear power, nuclear propulsion, nuclear reaction, nuclear reactor, nuclear regulatory commission, nuclear resonance, nuclear rna, nuclear rocket, nuclear submarine, nuclear terrorism, nuclear transplantation, nuclear war, nuclear warhead, nuclear weapon, nuclear winter, particle physics, physics, physics class, physics department, physics lab, physics laboratory, plasma physics, quantum physics, radiation physics, solar physics, solid-state physics, somatic cell nuclear transfer, somatic cell nuclear transplantation