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Found 1 definition: pigmentation.

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Pos: Noun

Noun pigmentation has 2 senses

1.  pigmentation(n = noun.process) Array - the deposition of pigment in animals or plants or human beings; Array
is a kind of
deposit, deposition
Derived form verb pigment1

2.  pigmentation(n = noun.attribute) Array - coloration of living tissues by pigment; Array
is a kind of
coloration, colouration
has particulars: chromatism, melanoderma
Antonym: depigmentation
Derived form verb pigment1


pigmentation, n.

   A deposition, esp. an excessive deposition, of coloring matter; as, pigmentation of the liver. [1913 Webster]


pigmentation, n.
1 the natural colouring of plants, animals, etc.
2 the excessive colouring of tissue by the deposition of pigment.