pill bottle(n = noun.artifact) Array - a small bottle for holding pills; Array
is a kind of bottle
abortion pill, beer bottle, birth control pill, bitter pill, bottle, bottle bank, bottle bill, bottle collection, bottle cork, bottle gentian, bottle gourd, bottle grass, bottle green, bottle opener, bottle screw, bottle tree, bottle up, catsup bottle, contraceptive pill, feeding bottle, hot-water bottle, ink bottle, ketchup bottle, klein bottle, magnetic bottle, morning-after pill, multivitamin pill, nursing bottle, oral contraceptive pill, pain pill, pep pill, pill, pill bug, pill head, pill pusher, pill roller, poison pill, pop bottle, sleeping pill, smelling bottle, soda bottle, specimen bottle, spin the bottle, suicide pill, thermos bottle, vacuum bottle, vitamin pill, water bottle, water pill, whiskey bottle, wine bottle, woulfe bottle