1. qualifying(n = noun.linkdef) limiting, modification - the grammatical relation that exists when a word qualifies the meaning of the phrase;
is a kind of grammatical relation
has particulars: restrictiveness, apposition
Derived form verb qualify7
2. qualifying(n = noun.act) pass, passing - success in satisfying a test or requirement; "his future depended on his passing that test"; "he got a pass in introductory chemistry"
is a kind of success
Derived form verb qualify1
N qualification, limitation, modification, coloring, allowance, grains of allowance, consideration, extenuating circumstances, mitigation, condition, proviso, prerequisite, contingency, stipulation, provision, specification, sine qua non, catch, string, strings attached, exemption, exception, escape clause, salvo, saving clause, discount, restriction, fine print, qualifying, qualified, conditioned, restricted, hedged, conditional, exceptional, hypothetical, contingent, provided, provided that, provided always, if, unless, but, yet, according as, conditionally, admitting, supposing, on the supposition of, with the understanding, even, although, though, for all that, after all, at all events, approximately, in a limited degree (smallness), somewhat, sort of, something like that, to a certain extent, to a degree, in a sense, so to speak, with grains of allowance, cum grano salis, with a grain of salt, exceptis excipiendis, wind and weather permitting, if possible, subject to, conditioned upon, with this proviso, if the good lord is willing and the creeks don't r, catch-, Degrees of Evidence.