1. rally(n = noun.group) mass meeting - a large gathering of people intended to arouse enthusiasm;
is a kind of assemblage, gathering
has particulars: pep rally, revival, revival meeting
2. rally(n = noun.act) rallying - the feat of mustering strength for a renewed effort; "he singled to start a rally in the 9th inning"; "he feared the rallying of their troops for a counterattack"
is a kind of effort, exploit, feat
Derived form verb rally3
3. rally(n = noun.process) - a marked recovery of strength or spirits during an illness;
is a kind of convalescence, recovery, recuperation
Derived form verb rally4
4. rally(n = noun.event) - an automobile race run over public roads;
is a kind of auto race, automobile race, car race
5. rally(n = noun.act) exchange - (sports) an unbroken sequence of several successive strokes; "after a short rally Connors won the point"
is a kind of group action
1. rally(v = verb.contact) beat up, drum up - gather; "drum up support"
is one way to collect, pull in
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something
2. rally(v = verb.competition) call up, mobilise, mobilize - call to arms; of military personnel;
is one way to call, send for
Derived form noun rallying2
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody
3. rally(v = verb.contact) come up, muster, muster up, summon - gather or bring together; "muster the courage to do something"; "she rallied her intellect"; "Summon all your courage"
is one way to collect, garner, gather, pull together
Derived form noun rally2
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something
4. rally(v = verb.change) rebound - return to a former condition; "The jilted lover soon rallied and found new friends"; "The stock market rallied"
is one way to go back, recover, recuperate
Derived form noun rally3
Sample sentences:
The stock market is going to rally ; The business is going to rally
5. rally(v = verb.communication) bait, cod, rag, razz, ride, tantalise, tantalize, taunt, tease, twit - harass with persistent criticism or carping; "The children teased the new teacher"; "Don't ride me so hard over my failure"; "His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie"
is one way to bemock, mock
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s somebody
To collect, and reduce to order, as troops dispersed or thrown into confusion; to gather again; to reunite. [1913 Webster]
1. To come into orderly arrangement; to renew order, or united effort, as troops scattered or put to flight; to assemble; to unite. [1913 Webster]
"The Grecians rally, and their powers unite." [1913 Webster]
"Innumerable parts of matter chanced just then to rally together, and to form themselves into this new world." [1913 Webster]
2. To collect one's vital powers or forces; to regain health or consciousness; to recuperate. [1913 Webster]
3. To recover strength after a decline in prices; -- said of the market, stocks, etc. [1913 Webster]
1. The act or process of rallying (in any of the senses of that word). [1913 Webster]
2. A political mass meeting. [1913 Webster]
To attack with raillery, either in good humor and pleasantry, or with slight contempt or satire. [1913 Webster]
"Honeycomb . . . rallies me upon a country life." [1913 Webster]
"Strephon had long confessed his amorous pain,
Which gay Corinna rallied with disdain." [1913 Webster]
To use pleasantry, or satirical merriment. [1913 Webster]
Good-humored raillery. [1913 Webster]
rally, v. & n.
--v. (-ies, -ied)
1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by round, behind, to) bring or come together as support or for concentrated action.
2 tr. & intr. bring or come together again after a rout or dispersion.
3 a intr. renew a conflict. b tr. cause to do this.
4 a tr. revive (courage etc.) by an effort of will. b tr. rouse (a person or animal) to fresh energy. c intr. pull oneself together.
5 intr. recover after illness or prostration or fear, regain health or consciousness, revive.
6 intr. (of share-prices etc.) increase after a fall.
--n. (pl. -ies)
1 an act of reassembling forces or renewing conflict; a reunion for fresh effort.
2 a recovery of energy after or in the middle of exhaustion or illness.
3 a mass meeting of supporters or persons having a common interest.
4 a competition for motor vehicles, usu. over public roads.
5 (in lawn tennis etc.) an extended exchange of strokes between players.
rally-cross motor racing over roads and cross-country.
rallier n.
rally, v.tr. (-ies, -ied) subject to good-humoured ridicule.
F railler: see RAIL(2)
VB improve, be better, become better, get better, mend, amend, advance, ascend, increase, fructify, ripen, mature, pick up, come about, rally, take a favorable turn, turn over a new leaf, turn the corner, raise one's head, sow one's wild oats, recover, be better, be improved by, turn to right account, turn to good account, turn to best account, profit by, reap the benefit of, make good use of, make capital out of, place to good account, render better, improve, mend, amend, better, ameliorate, meliorate, correct, decrassify, improve upon, refine upon, rectify, enrich, mellow, elaborate, fatten, promote, cultivate, advance, forward, enhance, bring forward, bring on, foster, invigorate, touch up, rub up, brush up, furbish up, bolster up, vamp up, brighten up, warm up, polish, cook, make the most of, set off to advantage, prune, repair, put in order, review, revise, make corrections, make improvements, doctor, purify, relieve, refresh, infuse new blood into, recruit, reform, remodel, reorganize, new model, view in a new light, think better of, appeal from Philip drunk to Philip sober, palliate, mitigate, lessen an evil.
VB return to the original state, recover, rally, revive, come come to, come round, come to oneself, pull through, weather the storm, be oneself again, get well, get round, get the better of, get over, get about, rise from one's ashes, rise from the grave, survive, resume, reappear, come to, come to life again, live again, rise again, heal, skin over, cicatrize, right itself, restore, put back, place in statu quo, reinstate, replace, reseat, rehabilitate, reestablish, reestate, reinstall, reconstruct, rebuild, reorganize, reconstitute, reconvert, renew, renovate, regenerate, rejuvenate, redeem, reclaim, recover, retrieve, rescue, redress, recure, cure, heal, remedy, doctor, physic, medicate, break of, bring round, set on one's legs, resuscitate, revive, reanimate, revivify, recall to life, reproduce, warm up, reinvigorate, refresh, make whole, redintegrate, recoup, make good, make all square, rectify, correct, put right, put to rights, set right, set to rights, set straight, set up, put in order, refit, recruit, fill up, fill up the ranks, reinforce, repair, put in repair, remanufacture, put in thorough repair, put in complete repair, retouch, refashion, botch, vamp, tinker, cobble, do up, patch up, touch up, plaster up, vamp up, darn, finedraw, heelpiece, stop a gap, stanch, staunch, caulk, calk, careen, splice, bind up wounds.
VB reduce to order, bring into order, introduce order into, rally, arrange, dispose, place, form, put in order, set in order, place in order, set out, collocate, pack, marshal, range, size, rank, group, parcel out, allot, distribute, deal, cast the parts, assign the parts, dispose of, assign places to, assort, sort, sift, riddle, put to rights, set to rights, put into shape, put in trim, put in array, apportion, class, classify, divide, file, string together, thread, register, catalogue, tabulate, index, graduate, digest, grade, methodize, regulate, systematize, coordinate, organize, settle, fix, unravel, disentangle, ravel, card, disembroil, feaze.
VB ridicule, deride, mock, taunt, snigger, laugh in one's sleeve, tease, badinage, banter, rally, chaff, joke, twit, quiz, roast, haze, tehee, fleer, show up, play upon, play tricks upon, fool to the top of one's bent, laugh at, grin at, smile at, poke fun at, satirize, parody, caricature, burlesque, travesty, turn into ridicule, make merry with, make fun of, make game of, make a fool of, make an April fool of, rally, scoff, raise a laugh, play the fool, make a fool of oneself, ridicule, deride, mock, taunt, snigger, laugh in one's sleeve, tease, badinage, banter, rally, chaff, joke, twit, quiz, roast, haze, tehee, fleer, show up, play upon, play tricks upon, fool to the top of one's bent, laugh at, grin at, smile at, poke fun at, satirize, parody, caricature, burlesque, travesty, turn into ridicule, make merry with, make fun of, make game of, make a fool of, make an April fool of, rally, scoff, raise a laugh, play the fool, make a fool of oneself.
VB be courageous, dare, venture, make bold, face danger, front danger, affront danger, confront danger, brave danger, defy danger, despise danger, mock danger, look in the face, look full in the face, look boldly in the face, look danger in the face, face, meet, meet in front, brave, beard, defy, take courage, muster courage, summon up courage, pluck up courage, nerve oneself, take heart, take heart, pluck up heart of grace, hold up one's head, screw one's courage to the sticking place, come up to scratch, stick to one's guns, standfire, stand against, bear up, bear up against, hold out, put a bold face upon, show a bold front, present a bold front, show fight, face the music, bell the cat, take the bull by the horns, beard the lion in his den, march up to the cannon's mouth, go through fire and water, run the gantlet, give courage, infuse courage, inspire courage, reassure, encourage, embolden, inspirit, cheer, nerve, put upon one's mettle, rally, raise a rallying cry, pat on the back, make a man of, keep in countenance.