rich man(n = noun.person) man of means, wealthy man - a man who is wealthy;
is a kind of have, rich person, wealthy person
has particulars: nabob, nob, toff
N wealth, riches, fortune, handsome fortune, opulence, affluence, good circumstances, easy circumstances, independence, competence, solvency, provision, livelihood, maintenance, alimony, dowry, means, resources, substance, property, command of money, income, capital, money, round sum, mint of money, mine of wealth, El Dorado, bonanza, Pacatolus, Golconda, Potosi, long purse, full purse, well lined purse, heavy purse, deep pockets, purse of Fortunatus, embarras de richesses, pelf, Mammon, lucre, filthy lucre, loaves and fishes, rich man, moneyed man, warm man, man of substance, capitalist, millionaire, tippybob, Nabob, Croesus, idas, Plutus, Dives, Timon of Athens, Timocracy, Plutocracy, Danae, wealthy, rich, affluent, opulent, moneyed, monied, worth much, well to do, well off, warm, comfortable, well, well provided for, made of money, rich as Croesus, filthy rich, rich as a Jew, rolling in riches, rolling in wealth, flush, flush of cash, flush of money, flush of tin, in funds, in cash, in full feather, solvent, pecunious, out of debt, in the black, all straight, one's ship coming in, amour fait beaucoup mais argent fait tout, love does much but money does everything, aurea rumpunt tecta quietem, magna servitus ist magna fortuna, mammon, the least erected spirit that fell from Heaven, opum furiata cupido, vera prosperita e non aver necessita, wie gewonnen so zerronnen.
age of man, apron man, average man, backup man, ballyhoo man, beef man, best man, bionic man, black man, boskop man, broth of a man, career man, cave man, city man, college man, common man, company man, con man, confidence man, conjure man, corner man, cow man, customer's man, dirty old man, divorced man, elevator man, end man, enlisted man, ent man, fall of man, family man, fancy man, feral man, fighting man, fingerprint man, four-minute man, front man, g man, garbage man, gay man, gingerbread man, government man, great man, handy man, hatchet man, heidelberg man, hired man, hit man, holdup man, hollow man, holy man, honest man, idle rich, inner man, iron man, isle of man, java man, ladies' man, leading man, learned man, leg man, lookout man, maintenance man, man, man and wife, man eater, man eating, man friday, man hour, man in the street, man jack, man made, man of action, man of affairs, man of deeds, man of letters, man of means, man of science, man of the cloth, man of the world, married man, mechanical man, medical man, medicine man, middle-aged man, military man, miracle man, modern man, mountain man, muffin man, muscle man, navy man, neandertal man, neanderthal man, odd man out, odd-job man, old man, old man of the mountain, organization man, outdoor man, party man, peking man, piltdown man, pivot man, point man, poor man, pr man, preacher man, prehistoric man, property man, public relations man, publicity man, railroad man, railway man, red man, remittance man, renaissance man, rewrite man, rhodesian man, rich, rich people, rich person, right hand man, right-hand man, section man, service man, solo man, song and dance man, sporting man, squaw man, stan the man, stickup man, stone age man, straight man, straw man, strong man, stunt man, t man, to a man, trigger man, trinil man, unmarried man, utility man, vigilance man, wealthy man, white man, wild man, wise man, wolf man, working man, worship of man, yellow man, yes man, young man