right bank(n = noun.location) Array - the region of Paris on the north bank of the Seine; Array
is a kind of locality, neck of the woods, neighborhood, neighbourhood, vicinity
is a part of capital of france, city of light, french capital, paris
agent bank, all right, bank, bank account, bank bill, bank book, bank building, bank card, bank charter, bank check, bank clerk, bank closing, bank commissioner, bank deposit, bank discount, bank draft, bank examination, bank examiner, bank failure, bank gravel, bank guard, bank holding company, bank holiday, bank identification number, bank line, bank loan, bank manager, bank martin, bank note, bank of england, bank of japan, bank on, bank rate, bank robber, bank run, bank shot, bank statement, bank swallow, bank vault, bank withdrawal, blood bank, bottle bank, by right of office, central bank, civil right, cloud bank, coin bank, commercial bank, conjugal right, conjugal visitation right, country bank, divine right, divine right of kings, european central bank, exclusive right, eye bank, federal home loan bank system, federal reserve bank, federal savings bank, food bank, full service bank, hard right, home loan bank, human right, in her own right, in her right mind, in his own right, in his right mind, in its own right, in one's own right, in their right minds, industrial bank, international bank for reconstruction and developm, just right, lead bank, left bank, legal right, member bank, merchant bank, mutual savings bank, national bank, natural right, not right, own right, oyster bank, patent right, penny bank, people's bank, piggy bank, preemptive right, property right, put right, radical right, religious right, reserve bank, right, right along, right and left, right angle, right ascension, right atrioventricular valve, right atrium, right atrium of the heart, right away, right brain, right coronary artery, right field, right fielder, right gastric artery, right gastric vein, right hand, right hand man, right hander, right hemisphere, right mind, right minded, right of action, right of election, right of entry, right of first publication, right of offset, right of privacy, right of re-entry, right of search, right of way, right on, right smart, right sort, right stage, right to an attorney, right to confront accusors, right to due process, right to liberty, right to life, right to privacy, right to speedy and public trial by jury, right to the pursuit of happiness, right to vote, right triangle, right ventricle, right whale, right wing, right winger, riparian right, russian bank, savings bank, savings bank trust, sea bank, sense of right and wrong, set right, soil bank, sperm bank, stage right, state bank, subscription right, the right way, undivided right, vertical bank, visitation right, voting right, water right, west bank, world bank, writ of right