savings bank trust(n = noun.possession) savings account trust, totten trust, trust account, trustee account - a savings account deposited by someone who makes themselves the trustee for a beneficiary and who controls it during their lifetime; afterward the balance is payable to the previously named beneficiary; Array
is a kind of trust
active trust, agent bank, al-rashid trust, bank, bank account, bank bill, bank book, bank building, bank card, bank charter, bank check, bank clerk, bank closing, bank commissioner, bank deposit, bank discount, bank draft, bank examination, bank examiner, bank failure, bank gravel, bank guard, bank holding company, bank holiday, bank identification number, bank line, bank loan, bank manager, bank martin, bank note, bank of england, bank of japan, bank on, bank rate, bank robber, bank run, bank shot, bank statement, bank swallow, bank vault, bank withdrawal, blind trust, blood bank, bottle bank, brain trust, breach of trust, breach of trust with fraudulent intent, central bank, charitable trust, clifford trust, cloud bank, coin bank, commercial bank, constructive trust, corporate trust, country bank, daylight savings, deed of trust, direct trust, discretionary trust, employee savings plan, european central bank, express trust, eye bank, federal home loan bank system, federal reserve bank, federal savings bank, fixed investment trust, food bank, full service bank, grantor trust, home loan bank, implied trust, industrial bank, inter vivos trust, international bank for reconstruction and developm, investment trust, involuntary trust, lead bank, left bank, life savings, living trust, member bank, merchant bank, mutual savings bank, national bank, national trust, nondiscretionary trust, on trust, oyster bank, passbook savings account, passive trust, penny bank, people's bank, piggy bank, public trust, real estate investment trust, reserve bank, resulting trust, retirement savings account, retirement savings plan, right bank, russian bank, savings, savings account, savings account trust, savings and loan, savings and loan association, savings bank, savings bond, sea bank, soil bank, spendthrift trust, sperm bank, state bank, testamentary trust, totten trust, trust, trust account, trust busting, trust company, trust corporation, trust deed, trust fund, trust territory, unit investment trust, unit trust, vertical bank, voting trust, west bank, world bank