1. selection(n = noun.act) choice, option, pick - the act of choosing or selecting; "your choice of colors was unfortunate"; "you can take your pick"
is a kind of action
has particulars: casting, coloration, colouration, sampling, conclusion, decision, determination, volition, willing, election, ballot, balloting, vote, voting
Derived form verb select1
2. selection(n = noun.group) Array - an assortment of things from which a choice can be made; "the store carried a large selection of shoes"
is a kind of assortment, miscellanea, miscellany, mixed bag, mixture, motley, potpourri, salmagundi, smorgasbord, variety
3. selection(n = noun.cognition) choice, pick - the person or thing chosen or selected; "he was my pick for mayor"
is a kind of deciding, decision making
has particulars: pleasure, favorite, favourite, way
4. selection(n = noun.process) natural selection, survival, survival of the fittest - a natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment; Array
is a kind of action, activity, natural action, natural process
5. selection(n = noun.communication) excerpt, excerption, extract - a passage selected from a larger work; "he presented excerpts from William James' philosophical writings"
is a kind of passage
has particulars: chrestomathy, analecta, analects, clipping, cutting, newspaper clipping, press clipping, press cutting, cut, track, citation, quotation, quote, haftarah, haftorah, haphtarah, haphtorah
1. The act of selecting, or the state of being selected; choice, by preference. [1913 Webster]
2. That which is selected; a collection of things chosen; as, a choice selection of books. [1913 Webster]
selection, n.
1 the act or an instance of selecting; the state of being selected.
2 a selected person or thing.
3 things from which a choice may be made.
4 Biol. the process in which environmental and genetic influences determine which types of organism thrive better than others, regarded as a factor in evolution.
selectional adj. selectionally adv.
L selectio (as SELECT)
N choice, option, discretion, preoption, alternative, dilemma, embarras de choix, adoption, cooptation, novation, decision, election, political election (politics), selection, excerption, gleaning, eclecticism, excerpta, gleanings, cuttings, scissors and paste, pick, preference, prelation, opinion poll, survey, predilection, optional, discretional, eclectic, choosing, preferential, chosen, choice, optionally, at pleasure, either the one or the other, or at the option of, whether or not, once and for all, for one's money, by choice, by preference, in preference, rather, before.
N class, division, category, categorema, head, order, section, department, subdepartment, province, domain, kind, sort, genus, species, variety, family, order, kingdom, race, tribe, caste, sept, clan, breed, type, subtype, kit, sect, set, subset, assortment, feather, kidney, suit, range, gender, sex, kin, manner, description, denomination, designation, rubric, character, stamp predicament, indication, particularization, selection, specification, similarity.