space station(n = noun.artifact) space laboratory, space platform - a manned artificial satellite in a fixed orbit designed for scientific research; Array
is a kind of artificial satellite, orbiter, satellite
has particulars: salyut, skylab
a manned artificial satellite orbiting the earth designed for extended occupation and use by multiple crews in succession. [PJC]
absolute space, aid station, air force space command, air space, air station, anchor space, blank space, booster station, breathing space, bus station, coach station, coaling station, comfort station, crawl space, crookes space, dead-air space, deep space, disc space, disk space, dressing station, enclosed space, euclidean space, filling station, fire station, first-aid station, gas station, gasoline station, hair space, hilbert space, hubble space telescope, intergalactic space, interplanetary space, interstellar space, link-attached station, living space, lookout station, mathematical space, metric space, missionary station, national aeronautics and space administration, null space, observation station, outer space, parking space, pericardial space, petrol station, phase space, pleural space, police station, polling station, power station, pumping station, radio station, railroad station, railway station, relay station, remote station, sampling station, service station, shore station, social station, space, space age, space bar, space biology, space cadet, space capsule, space flight, space heater, space helmet, space key, space laboratory, space lattice, space medicine, space platform, space probe, space program, space rocket, space shuttle, space sickness, space suit, space time, space travel, space vehicle, space walk, space writer, station, station agent, station house, station keeper, station of the cross, station waggon, station wagon, storage space, subarachnoid space, subway station, swap space, television station, topological space, torpedo station, tracking station, train station, tv station, visual space, way station, weather station